Ending Note

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Originally, Ambrose and Ignacio were supposed to have another day together, after the wedding but I decided that giving them those few moments were enough. I wrote this book for myself because I was pretty down at one point last year and I just wanted to write a fantasy of being in love since I have yet to really feel it.

I just wanted to remind myself and other people out there, especially gay people, that love does exist and when the time is right it will come to you.

Maybe it's the hopeless romantic in me but writing about love truly makes me feel better.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the little short story. Writing this really helped me get out of my little funk and made me feel better. :D

I also want to make a note that this is a draft and if I do rewrite, I would probably add a bunch more to the ending and who knows, I might add that second day in. I don't know though.

Thank you again for reading!!! Until next time! :D

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