It Was Only A Few Moments (1)

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    All I had were a few moments.

I had less than twelve hours left in town before I had to fly back home. I came for Angelica and her wedding with her beloved, Lucas Hale and left for no one. Not even myself. I didn't want to leave, but there was no way I could have stayed. I had to face the facts. I was a grown-up. I had responsibilities and sadly that town was not where they lied but it was where I left my heart.

If I could go back in time and live through all the events before I made it to the airport that one winter morning to catch my flight, I would and if I was able to choose where to begin. I would begin on that chilly winter afternoon in December, the day of Angelica's wedding where the snow fell softly from the dark sky as we remained unbothered from it in the purple lit ballroom where Angelica's ceremony was held.

Where the people were all gathered together as they formed a circle around Angelica and Lucas as they danced in the middle. Some of them had drinks in their hands, and others had food. Everyone wasn't in the ballroom, though. Some of the elders stepped out for a cigarette break and some adults took their whiny children to the bathroom.

I, on the other hand, was the odd one out. After the ceremony, after all the tears of joy and me congratulating my best friend and her husband, I faded away in the back. Not only in the ballroom but from her life as she had a new number one who she was going to spend the rest of her life with. I was the one left behind, I always was.

"And what are you doing here all alone? Shouldn't you be with your best friend?"

The voice was unfamiliar but it spoke to me like it knew who I was. When I turned to see where the voice was coming from, I squinted my eyes at the fellow. His skin was olive, his hair was dark and curly and he had a freshly shaved face. He looked about my age, and I was 26. My guess was that he was either 27 or 28. Nevertheless, he processed as unfamiliar in my mind, a stranger. "And who are you?"

He smiled as he took the seat next to me, at the small round table I sat at, towards the back of the ballroom. "I'm Ignacio. Best friend of Lucas."

"Angelica's husband, Lucas?"

He smiled. "The one and only." I can't believe I didn't notice sooner. He was the best man after all. It looked like he had more to say so I let him speak. "Why aren't you dancing with everyone else?"

I shrugged. "I don't want to get in the way. I guess. This is a special moment for Angelica. I don't want to ruin it."

"Nonsense. You won't ruin it. She's your best friend. All you can do is make it better by being there with her."

I looked away from Ignacio and watched Angelica as she danced with her husband and her siblings. She looked so happy. It made me smile. I then looked back at Ignacio. "You may be right, but I've been staying at her place for a little while now so I'm sure she's tired of seeing my face. I'll just be happy for her from afar."

"Your name is Ambrose, correct? Ambrose Baxter?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Lucas. He would tell me about you. He would always talk about how jealous he was of the relationship between you and Angelica. From my knowledge, Ambrose would not just sit back and watch Angelica be happy from afar. Instead, he would be in the center of all that joy and happiness."

I said nothing.

In less than a few minutes, he had already figured me out and I did not like that I liked that about him.

"Have you eaten anything?"

"A little. Not much. Why is there something you would recommend?"

He smirked. "Actually, there is. Have you tried any of the cake?" I simply shook my head. He gasped. "Ah, come on! That's usually what people care about when coming to these kinds of things. You know, besides the actual event and everything."

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