Nathaniel Leyva (6)

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I expected him to be lying on my bed with nothing but his boxers, a tank top and maybe his socks on if his feet got cold easily but when I came out he was laughing at whatever he was watching on T.V.

His hand was in a bag of chips with a few cookies to the side of him.

I felt a bit under-dressed and I was a bit embarrassed.

"Hey! You're finally out!"

I quickly tightened my robe and let out the awkwardest chuckle. "Yes, I am." I quickly moved over to my bookbag and started digging through it. "I forgot to take in my pajamas. Silly me, am I right?"

"Wait, you have nothing on under that robe? Forgot underwear too?"

"No! I had a pair sitting in there already! That really would've been silly of me." I pulled out my pajama pants and slipped them on while I kept my robe on.

That was not the time to show him me in my underwear. There was a totally different mood in that room and I was the comedy act. I was such an idiot. I kept calling myself that repeatedly as I threw on my shirt and sat next to him.

I didn't even know what to say.

"I'm spending the night with you, I take it?"

I gulped. "I would like the company honestly."

"Well," he started to pull off his formal jacket, "judging with how you made me promise to stay, I thought so." His jacket was off and his buttoned-up shirt soon came off.

I tried not to look at him as he undressed but I couldn't help but sneak peeks. His arms looked so good in the white tee he wore. They filled the sleeves well and his chest filled the shirt well as well.

I wanted him to take off more and he did. Next, he pulled off his pants but surprisingly he had pajama pants underneath. They had batman's face all over them.

I chuckled. "Batman?"

He looked at me with his brows raised as he folded his pants. "bAtMaN?" He mocked. "What's wrong with Batman?"

I laughed. "Nothing and why did you mock me? I don't sound like that!"

"Good! There better be nothing wrong with batman and I mocked you because you said it like you had a problem."

"Well, I didn't so now you have to apologize for being an ass."

He placed his folded pants down on my dresser along with his shirt that he folded. "Do I really?"

"Yes, or I won't talk to you anymore."

"You're going to talk to me." I folded my arms and turned away from him. "Ambrose." I pretended to be occupied with the trashcan that sat in the corner. "Ambrose," he sang.

I felt a smile starting to come but I fought it away. I'm guessing that made him sigh.

"Okay then, fine! If you wanna be that way then I won't speak to you either."

I wasn't looking at him but I felt the right side of the bed sink in. I waited a moment to see if he was copying the way I was sitting and he was. His arms were crossed like mine and his body was turned away from me. When he noticed me looking at him, he "hmph'ed" and turned his nose upwards.

I just rolled my eyes and turned away from him with a smile.

He's so stupid, I thought but I also thought he was so cute. What made things really cute was how he couldn't even last a few more seconds without talking to me.

"Ambrose!" He exclaimed. It startled me so I looked at him. "Talk to me now," he demanded.

I turned my head away and next thing I knew, I was tackled on the bed with him sitting on top of me.

"Ow!" I hollered.

My instant reaction was to push him off me but his were to grab my hands and pin them down to my sides as he brought his face down to mine.

"Say something."

"Something!" My face was burning. My body started to get hot. I couldn't even look him in the eyes that were literally right there.

"Aha! I got you to speak!"

"Yes, now please get off!"

I wasn't used to a man being on top of me. I wasn't used to being pinned down with strong arms and being sat on with a round bottom. It made me nervous, uncomfortable even. I didn't want him to know that though. I didn't want him to stay on top of me a little longer or else he would've found out my dirty secret.

Instead of getting off me, he brought his lips to my cheek and kissed it. I was on fire.

"Look at me," he said lowly almost inaudibly.

I gulped and slowly turned my face to his. A smirk appeared on his face and his eyes were staring deeply into mine.

He stared so deeply that I was afraid of him seeing that I was inexperienced in situations such as the one we were having. It was embarrassing because when I looked into his eyes. All I could see was how much more experienced he was than I.

"Would you mind if I were to kiss you right now? On the lips?"

I hesitated because I knew my answer but didn't want to be a child. Compared to him, I was. I was new to stuff like that. Instead of speaking, I grabbed him and pulled him into my lips.

I never in a million years thought I would've been so bold to just jump in and take control like I knew what I was doing. I didn't know what I was doing but I knew what I was doing.

I didn't know how to move my lips with his. I didn't know how to move my tongue with his or my body but I knew that we were making out and I knew what was to come afterward. We were both burning and all the warm blood that ran throughout our body focused on one main part.

A part we both shared.

A part that made what happened after the kissing and clothed pleasure possible. That was probably one of the best nights I had ever had. It was a new experience, it was a good experience and one I could never forget. It began gentle and sweet. He made sure to ask me if I was doing okay but as we progressed it was the opposite of gentle and fewer questions were asked.

It was so good that I had to go in for round two.

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