Chapter 31: New Year, New Motives

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As December came and went, Cesar and Heidi were out shopping for things to have a party later that night. Cesar smiles as he pushes a cart around as Heidi clinged to his arm cutely. Cesar smiles and said "did you make sure to call everyone we're inviting?" Heidi smiles and said "yes, they should arrive tonight sometime." Agents were seen around the store, watching out around the two of them. Cesar stroked her side as he grabbed some champagne and placed it into the cart. Heidi soon kissed his chin as she said "how did I get so lucky." Cesar smiles and said "I should be asking that." Heidi smiles and hugs him tightly as Cesar stroked her side. Meanwhile, Robert and Lucille were relaxing in their house. Robert said "I'm glad we'll have something to do this new years," Lucille smiles and said "yes, it surely will be better than our last New Years." As they sat upon the couch, Ricky and Lana sat beside them watching TV. There were agents along the outside of the house, Ricky turned to Robert and said "dad, why are there people in suits around our house?" Robert said "well, they are here because we are needing to be protected." Ricky said "protected from what?" Lucille said "from evil people, very evil people." Ricky said "ohhh," as the day went on, the agents outside talked among themselves. One agent said "so, have you heard anything about the people we're protecting?" Another agent said "just that some of them were from an old theater troupe." One agent on the corner said "do you hear that? I'm gonna scope it out." The agent walks around the house side and didn't see anything. Until rustling was heard in the bushes. The agent walked over, aiming his gun towards the bushes saying "FBI, show yourself." The agent saw Whitey come out from the bushes. Before the agent could fire, Whitey hits the agent in the neck causing the agent to lean over a little. Whitey soon punches the agent in the stomach and flipped him to the ground. The agent groans in pain and said "agent down, send ba-" The agent was killed from a bullet to the head from Whitey. He picked up the body and carried it to the trash can. Whitey threw the body in thr trashcan and held his gun, which had a silencer on it. Whitey walked to the corner of the house and saw five agents. Whitey thought of what to do and an agent was walking to the corner from hearing the agent on her ear piece. The agent held her gun towards the corner and said "Carter? You alright back there?" As the agent passed the corner, Whitey grabbed her wrist and twisted it, causing the agent to groan in pain as Whitey shot her knees. The agent dropped and shot off some bullets but to no effect as Whitey shot her in the head. The bullet sounds alerted the other agents and caused them to run over to the corner. Whitey looked and before he could react, he was pinned by the arms against the wall by two agents. One agent said "what are you doing trespassing ferret?" Whitey said "I don't know, why are you red?" Whitey slung his foot to the side whiched caused a blade to come out. The agent looked down but before he could react, Whitey kicked the agent in the stomach, stabbing him deeply. Whitey flipped out of the other agent's grip, causing one agent's throat to be slit. As the one agent gasped and fell to the ground bleeding, Whitey fired a bullet into the other agent and kicked his blade into her chest. The last agent grabbed ahold of Whitey and he said "you know why they call me whitey?" The agent said "what?" Whitey threw up an unsealed bag of coke to the agent's face causing the agent to drop him. The agent groans as he rubbed his eyes while Whitey slashed the agent's leg causing him to drop to his knees. Whitey kicked the agent in the chest through the bushes, causing the agent to land in another yard dead. Whitey walked around to the backdoor of the house and shot the doorknob. He walked into the house which alerted Robert. Lucille said "what was that?" Robert said "I'm not sure, I'll check it out." As Robert walked into the other room, Whitey slowly snuck into the hallway. Robert looked into the hallway and saw Whitey. Robert hid behind a wall and watched Whitey walk through, checking the rooms. Robert grabbed a kitchen knife and held it tight as he saw Whitey walk closer. Whitey noticed that he was out of bullets and grabbed a combat knife from his belt and held it daggar style. Robert hid behind the wall until Whitey stabbed through the wall almost hitting Robert in the head. Whitey got his knife stuck and grabbed another as he saw Robert and tried to stab him. Robert dodged his advances and was able to slash Whitey in the side. Whitey soon got a stab into Robert in the shoulder. Robert screamed in pain and fell to the ground as Whitey said "time to finish you off hedgehog." Whitey held the knife over Robert's chest and was about to swing down until he saw the FBI outside the window. Whitey said "this isn't over hedgehog." As he jumped out of a nearby window and ran away from the house. Lucille ran to Robert and tried to carry him. Agents got him into an ambulance and got him bandaged up. As Cesar and Heidi got home, they were met by Marshmelo Fluff at the door. Cesar smiles and said "hey Marshmelo, what brings you by?" Marshmelo said "hey Cesar, I was wanting to see if you and Heidi were planning anything for New Years." Cesar said "well, we will be having some friends over for a party, you and Richard can come if you want." Marshmelo Fluff smiles and said "oh cool, we'll be there. See you then." As he walked off back to his house, Cesar walked back inside and helps Heidi put away the groceries. Cesar smiles and wraps his arms around Heidi from behind as he said "Marshmelo and Richard will be coming to the party." Heidi said "sounds good, by the way, I heard back from Sidney and Arthur, they'll be able to make it. I haven't heard from Robert or Lucille though." Cesar said "do you think we should tell them the big news at the party?" Heidi said "we could, it has been a while since we did it." As she stroked her belly and looked down at it. Cesar smiles and stroked her belly as he said "they'll definitely be surprised, we haven't even announced the marriage yet." Heidi said "speaking of which, we should have it on a date near. It would probably be awkward to have a marriage after pregnancy." Cesar smiles more and soon said "yes, we should set a date, got any ideas? Marshmelo said the supplies have already gotten here so all they need to do is set it up." Heidi thought as she rubbed her belly then said "I feel we should have it on January 12th." Cesar said "something special about that day?" Heidi smiles and said "January 12th is my birthday." Cesar smiles and strokes her belly as he said "you'll be getting the best present of all." Heidi smirks and said "exactly," as she turned around and kissed him deeply. Cesar smiles more as he held her in his arms. Meanwhile, Robert was in an ambulance being bandaged up. Lucille and the kids were outside the ambulance waiting. An agent soon came out of the ambulance and said "he'll be fine, it was a minor injury." The agent helped Robert out of the ambulance and said "we'll get more agents out here shortly, do you remember anything about the crook who stabbed you?" Robert said "he was a ferret, wore all black, seemed to be short, taller than me though." The agent said "well be on the lookout for him and bring the perp to justice." The agent went back to his car and drove off. Lucille hugged Robert tightly and said "oh hunny I'm glad you're okay. You were so brave." Robert smiles and rubbed her back as he said "let's get back inside we don't need any more surprise attacks." As they all went into the house, Whitey was in an alleyway. Whitey got a call from Lenny and answered it to hear Lenny say "did you take out any of them already?" Whitey said "the feds got all over me at the hedgehog's house, I got a stab into the hedgehog but they surrounded me so I had to get out of there." Lenny said "looks like the feebles have more protection, new plan, capture them all. I have some beef I want to take care of, personally." Whitey said "alright Lenny," as he walked deeper into the alleyway. Later that night, the party began at Heidi and Cesar's house, everyone was there enjoying themselves. As they all sat around in the living room, Arthur said "I'm so glad to be back in society again, the place the FBI put us was pretty quiet and secluded." Robert said "wonder why they put you two there instead of just putting guards in your houses." Kathren said "they said something about not knowing if the guarding scenario would work, it could've been that." Lucille said "makes sense, have any of you set a new years resolution?" Arthur said "just to continue being myself." Sidney said "just continuing being a good parent." Cesar said "to make more stories and films." Robert said "i'm with Sidney on that one." Lucille said "same here." Heidi said "I strive to still be able to keep up with this one." Heidi rubs Cesar's face as she said that and smiles. The kids were playing amongst themselves outside. Arthur said "I'm glad after all these years, we're still friends, well most of us." Heidi soon got up and walked in front of everyone with Cesar and said "everyone we have two big announcements. Firstly, Cesar and I are getting married." Arthur said "congrats Miss Heidi," Robert said "yes congrats." Heidi said " we'll be having the marriage on January 12th at 9 am. Secondly, I'm pregnant." Lucille said "congrats you two." Sidney said "wow, you two will be having a little, uh, rav-hip, a child running around." Arthur said "how far along are you Heidi?" Heidi said "roughly 7 months, I haven't been in too much pain, thank god I have someone to help me along the ride though." Cesar smiles and rubbed her back. There was a knock at the door, Cesar said "I got it," as he walked over to the door and opens it. It was Marshmelo Fluff and Richard, Cesar smiles and said "hey, glad you guys could make it." Marshmelo Fluff said "of course we'd make it, did anyone else arrive?" Cesar said "yes, everyone else arrived just a little bit ago." As Cesar walked inside with Marshmelo Fluff and Richard, two agents outside guarding the door. One agent said "you think what happened at the hedgehog's house will happen here Kennedy?" Kennedy said ".... Jives, what happened at the hedgehog's house?" Jives said "some sort of hitman was placed on the hedgehog and his family, all the agents were killed by the hitman in the process." Kennedy said "damn, one hitman killed so many agents, if they weren't able to combat against the hitman, what chance do we have?" Jives said "at least we have more in numbers, there's a chance there." Kennedy said "yeah, I guess you're right." Whitey was on the roof of the house, climbing to the vents. Kennedy said "have you noticed Stevenson acting strange?" Jives said "what do you mean? He's the top agent of the force." Kennedy said "he just seems more suspicious, have you noticed he's been at every crime scene before anyone else?" Jives said "he's been there before everyone else? Hmmm, that does seem suspicious, we should probably bring it up to the hea-" A bullet went through Jives' head, causing him to fall to the ground. Kennedy gasped and looked to see where the bullet came from and was shot right between the eyes. Kennedy fell to the ground and died on the spot. From afar, Stevenson stood at a rooftop holding a sniper rifle. Stevenson looked around on the roof and saw Whitey, he said to himself "what the.." As he wondered who was that on the roof. Stevenson hid the sniper rifle and ran down the stairs and ran towards the house. Whitey crawled into the vents and tried to see where the feebles were. Whitey saw them through a vent grid and whispers to himself "there they are." Whitey puts a gas mask on and said "time to let off some steam." As he pulled out a small bag of beads and was about to drop them through the vent grid. Marshmelo Fluff soon said "where's the heater?" Heidi said "in the kitchen," as Marshmelo Fluff turned the heater on, Whitey gulped and felt the heat rise in the vents moments after. Whitey tried to keep silent but groaned a bit as he felt his skin burning from the hot metal. He quickly crawled through the vents back and jumped out of the roof vent hole. The countdown was 2 when he jumped off the roof. Whitey landed in the bushes as inside the new year was celebrated. Stevenson bolted through the door and said "everyone, there's a hitman in the house, run out now!" Everyone ran out of the house, agents came in and searched the place for the threat. Whitey quickly ran to a manhole and jumped into it, escaping the feds. The agents cleared out the house, Stevenson walked out and said "alright, the house is clear, go back to what you were doing." As they walked back inside, Arthur said, "That was weird." Robert said "it was probably something they saw on radar." As the night went on, Stevenson drove off and got a call from Lenny. Lenny said "what went down over there?" Stevenson said "did you hire a hitman on the feebles?" Lenny said "yes, but he is not killing them now, he was hired to capture them." Stevenson said, "The agency is getting suspicious of me. What do I do?" Lenny said  "Find Whitey, the hitman, you two will work together to capture them," the call ends and Stevenson drives off.

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