Chapter 13: Stable Comings

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The night went onward, Cesar and Heidi were in bed sleeping. Some noise could be heard from the other room that Heidi wakes up to. Heidi looked and soon got up quietly to check it out. She peeks around the hall and saw a shadowy figure against the wall. Heidi kept watching it until it seemed to notice her and the shadowy figure began charging at her. Heidi quickly slams the door shut and locked it. She shouts to Cesar "Cesar there's someone trying to attack me!" As she jumps into bed and held onto him. Cesar woke up and said "what?" Heidi said "they're behind the door!" As she points at the door, Cesar said "I'll take care of it," as Cesar got up and grabs the bat. Cesar unlocks the door and saw the shadowy figure. The figure was smaller than him so he swung quickly at the figure, causing the figure to fly against the hallway wall. The shadowy figure groaned as it took massive damage to the skull and Cesar held the bat against its chest saying "who are you! Tell me now or I'll bash your head in!" The shadowy figure groans and looked up, revealing a long facial structure, a pointed nose and big black eyes. The shadowy figure said "L.W. sends his regards." As he ripped his trench coat off revealing dynamite strapped to him. Cesar said "oh shi-" as the figure pressed a button and an explosion went off. Heidi hid when the explosion went off. Until it stopped, she looked up from the covers and saw the exploded corpse of a rat who was the shadowy figure. She looked around and said "Cesar? Where are you?" She soon heard some coughing from outside the window and went to go see what it was. He nearly fell 20 feet but the bushes broke his fall. Heidi saw Cesar on the ground outside of the window. Heidi quickly ran downstairs to the front and kneeled down to him. She held his body on her lap and held his head up saying "oh Cesar are you alright?" Cesar coughs more and said "I feel dizzy all of the sudden." As he soon falls unconscious, Heidi cries and held him close. Soon after police showed up to the crime scene to investigate. One cop walked over holding his pistol up said "What happened here ma'am?" Heidi turns to the cop, still holding Cesar and said "someone tried to kill us, my Cesar protected me but he fell from the top window." The cop said "alright, I'll get an ambulance on the way. When he recovers we need to ask both of you questions." Heidi said "thank you." The cop soon went back to his car and said on his radio "this is officer Nelson, we got a 10-80 on 1989 Jackson Street. Send a 11-41 immediately." The other cops went inside the house to see the crime scene. As the ambulance came, Heidi watches as Cesar gets loaded up. She gets into the back of the ambulance with Cesar and 2 of the medics. The ambulance drives off to the hospital as the cops looked around the house. The next morning, the news covered the events that happened the night prior. Heidi stayed by Cesar's side all night. She was so worried about his health because he was so close to the blast. Heidi watched the news as it was depicted on the tv hung in the corner of the room. An anchor was asking the cop "has there been any leads to who might've done this?" The cop said "not right now, we still need to interview the witnesses and see if they know anything." The other news anchor said "and there we have it, another attempt of the murder for another meet the feebles cast member, reports have said that Heidi the Hippo was targeted and survived her encounter due to the help of her lover that night. We will have more on this story as it develops." Heidi held Cesar's hand and teared up a little as she saw his lifeless body. She soon hugged him closely as she cried on his shoulder, all the emotions going through her head. Cesar groaned a little and said "what's wrong, my sweet hippo?" Heidi looks at him and hugged him tighter as she said "oh Cesar, I'm so glad you're alive." Cesar smiles and rubs her back as he said "did you get hurt dear?" Heidi said "no, thanks to my big strong man." As she kisses him deeply. Cesar smirking as he made out with her while he rubbed her back.

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