Chapter 30: Dawn of Justice

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As the morning went along, Roslan laid in a hospital bed. She was still recovering from the attack earlier. Chief Ken Conners walked into the room and said "you awake Oswald?" Roslan looked over at Conners and said "yes, what's going on Conners?" Conners said "not much," he sat down and said "The feds took the case right from under us." Roslan opens her eyes more and leaned up saying "the drug cartels??" Conners sighs and said "yes, they came in and said it's their jurisdiction now."Roslan said, "but it isn't, we serve the town justice, they handle the bigger issues." Conners said "I tried to reason with them, but it was no use." Roslan rubbed her head and said "have they bagged the gangs?" Conners said, "Not that I'm aware of, why?" Roslan said "they won't be able to, we need to go undercover." As she began to sit up, Conners got up and said "Oswald, we can't go against the feds," Roslan said "what do we stand for Conners?" Conners said "protecting the people," Roslan said "more people will be in danger and die without us on the case, do you want innocent blood on your hands?" Conners said "of course not," Roslan said "then let's head out." Roslan puts on her cop uniform and walks out with Conners. Meanwhile in the sewers below the city, Lenny and Desman were walking through the tunnels. Lenny said "how far is this person Desman? We don't have all day." Desman said "he'll be worth our time, trust me." As they continued to walk through tunnels, Desman soon said "Whitey? You down here?" Lenny said "I don't see anyth-" a ferret drops onto Lenny's back and began choking him. Lenny gasped for air and tried to throw the ferret off. Desman said "Whitey, he's with me, let him go." The ferret jumps off of Lenny and lands in front of them. Lenny coughs a little as he regained air. Lenny said "what the hell was that for," Whitey, the french accented ferret, said "in case you were a threat, I could never trust anyone down here, well other than Desman." Whitey leans on the sewer wall and held out a switchblade, swaying it in the air as he said "so what brings you two down here?" Desman said "we are in need of your services Whitey." Whitey said "another job ey?" As he raised his switchblade, looking in the reflection of it as he said "what's in it for me?" Lenny said "you will have any of our weapons stash for use." Whitey said "that is not of benefit to me, you have to offer up something more valuable." Desman said "we have some of the new shipment," Whitey looked up to them and said "keep talkin'" Lenny said "we have been getting the new opioid shipments, if you help us, you can receive a portion of it." Whitey turned to them fully and said "how much of a portion?" Lenny said "5 pounds of the stuff." Whitey said "ehh, 10 pounds, I am risking my life here ya know." Lenny said "that's absurd, why would you need that much any-" Desman interrupts him saying "we'll give you 10 pounds of it." Lenny said "what?!" Whitey said "excellent, who are my targets?" Desman said "the feebles gang." Desman hands him a flier of them. Whitey looked at the flier and said "all of these people?" Desman said "the surviving ones, I marked out the ones already dead." Whitey said "alright, it will be done." Desman and Lenny began walking away. Lenny said "what was that for?" Desman said "if you want them dead, he'll do it for the right price, just send your intell to him once you get the precise locations." Meanwhile in a disclosed location, Arthur and Kathren were relaxing in a little house that was being monitored. Arthur said "I'm hoping everyone else is safe, hate to see more of them drop like flies." Kathren said "yes, it would be a shame. Have you heard anything from the agents about them?" Arthur said "not much about them, hopefully they're doing okay." Meanwhile on the other side of the door, two agents were outside the door. Agent Stevenson walks to the two agents guarding the door. Agent Stevenson said "the boss said I need to take your shifts, run along." The two agents walked away and Agent Stevenson went inside the room. Arthur looked up and said "Agent Stevenson, have you heard from the others?" Agent Stevenson said "we have Sidney and Seymour, Heidi and Cesar, Robert and Lucille have been put under guard control. Now that we have that set up, you two can return to living in the world again." Kathren said "that's wonderful." Agent Stevenson said "I will be back in a little bit to bring you back to society, pack whatever you have in the meantime." Agent Stevenson walked out of the room and closes the door. Agent Stevenson puts his hand to his head saying "you got the charges set?" A voice from the other end said "just about, remember the explosives are on the 4th car in the parking lot." Agent Stevenson said "affirmative," as he puts his hand to the side and walked through the hallway. In the parking lot, Albert was hooking up the explosives, along him was Hector. Hector said "you got the charges up Albert?" Albert said "almost there ... got it" As he got out from under the car and said "they won't know what hit'em." Albert laughs as he held the remote, not knowing from afar was Chief Roslan and Chief Ken Conners in the bushes. Roslan said "did you see that? Those two are up to something." Conners said "I'm going in..." Roslan said "I'll cover you," as she aimed her pistol towards the two goons. Conners walked over, holding his revolver saying "freeze dirtbags!" Albert said "oh officer, what is the issue?" Conners held the revolver towards them and said "you are under arrest under the stop and frisk code, as well as trespassing on private property." Hector said "how do you know if we're trespassing copper? You're making a racial accusation against us." Agent Stevenson said "we're heading out now, be prepared to detonate." Conners looked at Albert and Albert chuckles slightly. Albert pulls out a pistol and said "come any closer copper and this parking lot will be up in flames!" As he held the remote in his other hand, Conners said "If you will not comply, I will be forced to shoot you." Agent Stevenson walked out with Arthur and Kathren. Albert held his finger over the button and said "you don't have the guts chota." Conners fires shots in Albert's arm causing his arm to break apart and fall to the ground. Albert groans in pain and falls back as he was shot in the head by Agent Stevenson. Albert fell and Hector grabbed the remote and was about to press the button. Conners ran out of bullets and grabbed ahold of Hector's arms. They pushed against each other and Hector said "welcome to hell." As he pressed the button causing the car to explode. The explosion sent Conners and Hector flying across the parking lot. Both Hector and Conners died on impact and bled out. Arthur said "flippin' heck," Agent Stevenson said on his ear piece "send cleanup crew, terrorist attack left the parking lot damaged." Roslan ran to Conners body and tried to wake him, saying "Conners, speak to me damn it, Conners?!" It was utterly useless, Conners was already dead. An ambulance soon came and picked up the bodies. Arthur said "what does that mean for us?" Agent Stevenson said "you two will still be able to go back. We'll just have you monitored more, get in the other car." As he points to the other car, they went to it and got in. Agent Stevenson looked to Roslan and said "why were you out here officer?" Roslan made up a lie to hide her tracks and said "Conners and I were doing a routine patrol and saw suspicious activity." Agent Stevenson said "alright officer, good job," as he soon connected eyes with her and said gruffly "let the professionals take care of it next time." Roslan looked at him and said quietly "okay." Agent Stevenson pulled the flaps of his suit jacket forward and walked to the car. Roslan looked down as she held Conners' badge, wondering who might be behind the attacks.

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