Chapter 2: Love From Yonder Years

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The morning arose, Robert had been practicing his craft for one of his new roles as the lead in a horror-themed performance. Lucille was tending to the children who were named Ricky and Lana. Lucille soon puts them down for a nap and went over to Robert. He was facing the window practicing his lines. Lucille smiles and hugs him from behind as she said "still practicing?" Robert said "yep, after all, it is a big role to take on. Where are the kids?" Lucille said "I put them down for a nap so I could get some quality time with you. We haven't had much of that lately have we." She giggles as she soon went to face him and hug him more while Robert said "yes it has been a while. What would you like to do?" Lucille thought about it and said "hmm how about we just relax and watch a movie in bed?" She said as she nuzzles her face into his neck. Robert smiles and said "that sounds wonderful." They laid upon the bed, Robert turned on the tv and up came a commercial for a documentary about the events that occurred on meet the feebles. Lucille said "oh my, why would they want to do a documentary on something so tragic." On the commercial came Sebastian, he said "yes its very clear now writing through the event. It still brings many memories, the ones lost within Heidi's rampage, I didn't know how to cope." Sebastian began crying fake tears then said "and you can see it coming this September. Preorders start today." Robert said "someone like him using those events for fame. Such a rotten fox." Lucille sighed in remembering those events and said "do you ever think back to those days Robert?" Robert said "I do occasionally, the many deaths, a lot of carnage, I'm just glad we were able to make it out of there." Lucille smiles and said "and you were so brave saving me." She rubs his head as she kisses him. She said "my hedgehog in shining prickles." Robert chuckles a little as he rubs her head while saying "yeah, at least our love came out on top." Lucille smiles more as she rests on him. Shortly after the phone rings. Robert got up to answer it and said "hello there, who is this?" Just then a familiar voice came on the line, it was Arthur. Arthur said "hey Robert, how have things been going? I haven't spoken to you since the wedding some time ago." Robert said "oh things are going wonderful." Lucille looked to Robert and said "who's on the line?" Robert said to Lucille "it's Arthur" Lucille said "oh how's he doing?" Robert said "how have you been Arthur?" Arthur said "just fine, been getting around to better things, did you hear about the recent release of miss Heidi?" Robert said "no I haven't, they let her go?" Arthur said "yeah apparently she goes under a new name and everything. I'm not sure what she's up to now but I heard from Sidney a few weeks ago." Robert said "how did he hear about it?" Arthur said "he told me his brother works at the institution, he told Sidney about her progress on off chances." Robert said, "well good to hear she's living life once more, say how's about you come by sometime, we can catch up and you can meet the little ones." Arthur said, "that sounds nice, just whenever you and Lucille can, don't rush anything." Robert said, "alright, talk to you again soon Arthur." Arthur said, "talk to you again soon." Robert hung up the phone and lays back down on the bed. Lucille said, "it's crazy to think we haven't really spoken to the others in a long time, you think Heidi is doing better?" Robert said, "I'm sure of it, they did release her after all these years." Lucille said, "it'll be nice to see Arthur again, after all this time."

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