Chapter 27: Takin' Care of Business

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The morning rolled in, at the police station sat a new chief in place of Roslan. He was roughly the same age but had more experience in the field. He was a tall shark named Ken Conners. A fellow officer walked into his office saying "chief, officer Richards was found dead, she was killed in a shootout with crooks of the calvary gang." Conners slammed his fin on the deks saying in an angered tone "it's like they're dropping like flies at this point. Are we any closer to nabbing them or the Cantren gang?" The officer said, "We do have some intel," as the officer laid out images that were taken from several crime scenes. The officer said, "It seems like the calvary gang and Cantren gang are working together. We don't know for what reason, all that's known is that they have something bigger planned than we thought." Conners said "what are you saying Simmons?" Simmons said "the feebles gang murders, the drug cartel, the calvary gang getting involved. These might be all connected." Conners stood up and turned to the wall saying "my god, at this rate, they might be targeting the rest of the gang, even take out unnecessary civilians." Conners turned back to Simmons saying "we must find their sources, how do the calvary find the locations, where the Cantren gang will strike next." Just then, the doors open walking in an eagle with a black suit and black sunglasses. The eagle walked into the office, Conners said, "Who are you?" The eagle said "FBI agent Stevenson, I have heard about the recent killings. Have you found any leads yet?" Conners said "well we know it has something to do with the Calvary Gang and Cantren Gang." Stevenson said, "Thank you, the FBI's got it from here. Just take care of any other crimes in the city." Conners said "wait, that's it? You're just gonna leave us off the case now?" Stevenson said "it's the FBI's job to handle the bigger crime deals, you're only in case of any violence around this jurisdiction." Stevenson began to walk out as Conners shouted "this is my jurisdiction!" Stevenson was already gone as the doors closed. Stevenson pressed his hand to his earpiece saying "we need security for the houses of the feebles gang, protect them at all costs." Stevenson looked up to see an FBI chopper and grabbed the rope, climbing up into the chopper. Conners said gruffly "not my jurisdiction my ass, this city only has us. We are the peace officers of this city." Simmons said "I mean we haven't caught any of the gang members, maybe it's good they take care of it." Conners said "do you hear yourself Simmons? Officers died by their wrath, we're trying to catch them." As the chopper took off, Arthur and Kathren were sitting outside at Joe's Cafe. Arthur said "I must say, I've enjoyed our dates a lot Kathren, they've really helped me through the tough stuff." Kathren smiles and said "glad you feel that way, how have the others been?" Arthur said "well Sidney is bed bound for a few weeks, Robert and Lucille have been found and back at their place now. Cesar and Miss Heidi have been just living life." Kathren said "that's good to hear," as she took a sip of her tea. Arthur said "yes it is, but I still have some fear. Those thugs might still be after me and Sidney." Kathren said "well as long as you got me around, you have some backup." Arthur smiles and said "thanks Kathren," as he took a sip of his tea. Arthur said "how have things been on your end?" Kathren said "oh they've been fine, just living as always." She giggles and smiles at him more. A black car pulled up by them and two FBI agents come out. The two agents, who were two pelicans walked over to them. One agent said "sir, you'll need to come with us." Arthur said "what is it for sir?" The other agent said "we'll talk in the car, come on." Arthur said "alright," as he got off the chair and began heading to the car. One agent said "you too," Kathren said "oh alright." As Kathren got off her chair and began heading into the car. The car soon drove off to an alleyway. Arthur said "so what is this for?" One agent said "you are being put in a secure area in witness protection. I am Agent Henson and my partner Agent Weathers. From the recent attempts of murders on the feebles gang, the FBI has decided to take it upon ourselves to protect any remaining members." Arthur said "but why is protecting us important?" Agent Weathers said "your cases have been connected to the Calvary and Cantren Gangs. With all of you under our protection, you can help us take them down. The Calvary Gang have been killing innocents for decades and now that we know who they're targeting, we can prevent any more bloodshed." Arthur said "hmm that makes sense." Agent Henson clicked a few buttons on a control panel in the car and the ground elevated downward. The car began to drive into the entryway and closed back up. The car parked in an underground office, Agent Henson got out of the car saying "welcome to the FBI Headquarters." As Arthur and Kathren get out of the car, they look around in shock and amazement. Agent Weathers said "you two will be placed with high level security 24/7." Arthur said "will we be able to see the others?" Agent Henson said "phone calls will be monitored heavily while in witness protection for safety but yes you two will be able to see your friends again." Kathren said "what will happen when you catch the gangs?" Agent Henson said "then you all will be out of witness protection and live your lives again." Meanwhile at the mansion, Heidi and Cesar were relaxing in bed. Cesar smiled at her as he scratches her thigh while snuggling her. Heidi smiles back at him and began rubbing his back while snuggling him cutely. Cesar said "I love you so much Heidi." Heidi smirks and strokes his side saying "I love you more my handsome Raven~" Heidi soon laid on top of Cesar and kisses him deeply. Cesar smirks and led the kiss into a makeout while stroking her lower back. Heidi smirks more and began to take her top off until the doorbell rang. Heidi sighs and Cesar said "I'll get it." As Cesar kisses her deeply then gets up to answer the door. Cesar opens the door to see a shark in a black suit and sunglasses. Cesar said "can I help you?" The shark said "I am special agent Jackson, I work in the FBI and have been sent to protect Cesar Klein and Heidi the Hippo." Cesar said "oh alrighty, why is the FBI needing to protect us this closely?" Agent Jackson said "I will explain inside, any of the gangs could be nearby." Cesar lets him in and closes the door, locking it. Heidi soon walked out to Cesar and looked to see Agent Jackson. Heidi said, "What's going on?" Agent Jackson said "you both might want to take a seat for this." Cesar and Heidi sat on the couch, Heidi sitting upon Cesar's lap. Agent Jackson said "you both are being put into witness protection, you won't be needing to move anywhere though. The agency believes as long as you have security at all times, it'll be safe enough." Cesar said "so what will change?" Agent Jackson said "there will be other agents patrolling the surroundings, inside and out, the fact is with keeping all of you safe, we might be able to catch both the Calvary and Catren Gangs. Your security will be coming very soon, have a nice day," as Agent Jackson walked out of the mansion. Cesar locks the door and Heidi said "how do you feel about this?" Cesar said "we still need to be cautious," he walks back to Heidi and sat with her. Cesar sat Heidi on his lap and said, "Now where were we~?" Heidi smirks and said "this~" as she dropped her top and grinds on his lap. Cesar smirks and began to kiss her chest while stroking her lower back, slowly getting undressed.

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