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Two weeks after I got home from South America, I woke up with cramps and within hours my period started. I was disappointed, but I knew my other half would be crushed. Shawn was in Mexico City for his last two shows, and I debated all day how to break the news to him. Did I want to tell him and affect his mood, which could in turn impact his final performances of the tour? Or did I want to wait until he got home in 3 days? Before I could come to a decision, he made it for me when he called.

"I've got 20 minutes before the show and I wanted to hear your voice," he said when I answered my phone.

"Pretty soon you won't have to call me for that."

"It's crazy that this tour is almost over. I can't believe I have two shows and then I'm done."

"Are you still okay having a longer gap between now and the next tour? We can make it work if you want to go on the road sooner," I told him.

I'd been worried lately that maybe he was sacrificing too much for our family. His happiness was so important to me that I'd bend over backwards to accommodate him if he wanted to keep to his current tour schedule.

"I need the extended time off to be with you and to be a dad. Speaking of...you were supposed to get your period. If you're late, you can take a test, right?"

I couldn't lie to him. "I got it this morning."

There was a brief but poignant silence.

"Oh. Well that's okay. You said it might take time," he said, sounding better than I'd anticipated.

"It can take months. The good thing is, you'll be home so we can focus on trying."

"That sounds like a pretty enjoyable way to spend the beginning of my break."

I could vividly picture the sexy smirk on his face as he said that.

"I'll make sure to plan meals that keep us energized."

"All joking aside, are you okay, honey? Did it upset you to get your period?"

"It made me sad, but mostly I was worried about you. I know how much you want this."

"It'll happen. I know that. Sooner or later you'll be pregnant."

I knew he was right. Eventually we'd have another baby, we just didn't know when.

"So I talked to Tiffany today about my dress for the premiere," I said, changing the subject.

"Has she found something?"

"She has, and it's absolutely perfect! I'm not telling you because I want it to be a surprise."

"I love it when you're mysterious," he said. "I gotta get going. I'll call you after the show, okay?"

"Of course. Knock their socks off, rockstar."

We ended the call, and I went back in the family room where Jax was playing a simple math game on my iPad. I'd stepped into the kitchen so that we could discuss things that little ears didn't need to hear.

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