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As the North American tour continued, time seemed to speed up. Shawn told me that every tour felt so much shorter than the many months it lasted, but I didn't believe him until I experienced it myself. There was a routine to it. Perform, travel, rest, perform, travel, rest, repeat. Shawn and his team tried to see some sights when there was time, and everyone loved trying any special regional cuisine, but sometimes one stop would blend into another.

"Where are we?" I asked one morning as I woke up in a hotel bed that looked and felt like all the others.

"Ummmm...Philadelphia. Right? Or is it Pittsburgh?" he answered.

"So definitely Pennsylvania? That's good to know. I hope it's Philly because I'm dying to try a cheesesteak from Pat's. It's apparently not that far from Citizens Bank Park."

"They'll probably sell them at the stadium, you know."

"No! I heard that you have to try Pat's. There's a place across the street called Geno's which is also famous, and they are huge rivals," I told him.

"But you don't want to try Geno's?"

"Nope. My uncle who lived in Philly for a few years said Pat's was the one."

"Get me one if I'm unable to go with you, okay?" he requested.

"Of course. Is Philly one of the shows where you don't get a day to explore?"

"I don't even know at this point."

Just then, Andrew texted him and gave him the schedule for the day, which included a radio interview before the meet and greets. The interview was with a Pittsburgh station, so that answered our question.

We had a couple hours to kill, so we started our day by leisurely making love. Things were slightly less spontaneous now that we were back on condoms, so unless one of us remembered to grab protection, we couldn't bang in his dressing room before or after his shows. Shawn claimed that pre-show sex was better for calming his nerves than the anti-anxiety pills he used to take, and post-show I often found myself so aroused by his performance that I couldn't help but attack him on the nights Jax wasn't with me. There was something about his energy after being on stage for hours, coupled with his sweaty body, that got me very worked up. I often wondered if thousands of concert-goers left his show feeling the same way.

I'd gone off the pill as planned, with hopes that my body would resume ovulation by October. In the meantime, Shawn liked to joke that we were in practice mode, and god knows he liked to work hard at any skill he was trying to perfect. His stamina was quite impressive as was his intuitive ability to sense what I wanted. Sometimes I wanted it slow and sensual, but other times it was fun to be fast and rough. He could read me like a book and always made sure I was fully satisfied.

We happened to be in Washington, DC for Shawn's birthday. He had both August 8th and 9th off, so it made sense to have a celebration in the capital of the United States.

We got up early on his big day and had breakfast in bed in our luxurious suite at the St. Regis with Jax joining us for the occasion.

"How many Shawn?" Jax asked between bites of his buttermilk Belgium waffle topped with Nutella ganache.

"More than you can probably count to," Shawn said as he held up both hands twice, closing them in between, and then displayed 7 additional fingers.

Jax scrunched his face in confusion.

"That's 27," I told him. "Shawn's an old man now."

"Yeah, well how old will you be next month?"

"I'm going to be 29 and I'm proud of it!" I stated as I jutted out my chin. "It's such an archaic concept that women should fear aging."

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