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I stared at my phone for at least five minutes as I mulled over whether or not I should send the text.

Want to come by for coffee (meaning water)?

Ever since I'd seen Emmaline's Instagram post, I'd been dying to talk to her. I didn't know what to make of the one comment. Jaxon Shawn Radley? Had they named the baby after me? Or did they just like the name? Maybe there was a family member with the same name. My curiosity was definitely piqued.

I hit send and waited for a reply. Almost immediately I saw the three dots and seconds later there was a reply.

Only if I don't have to get dressed and I can bring the baby.

I grinned at the phone.

Clothes optional and it's actually Jax I want to see

Ten minutes later she was knocking at my door. She had Jax in a baby carrier and a large diaper bag slung over her shoulder. Emmaline was wearing Christmas pajama bottoms and a UT hoodie. I'd quickly changed into sweats and an old t-shirt before she arrived so that she'd be comfortable.

"Come on in," I said.

"Let me start by saying that I needed this. I've been feeling some major cabin fever this week. I'm still not okay with taking Jaxon out in crowded places, so other than his doctor visits, we've been house-bound. A change of scenery is nice."

"I'm happy to hear that. Make yourself at home, and I'll grab my coffee. Do you want water? Tea?"

"I brought my own tea bags. Some of the herbal stuff isn't good if you're nursing. Could you make me a cup of hot water?" she asked as she set the carrier down on the floor by my white sectional sofa.

"I'm on it."

When I joined her with our drinks, she had Jax out. She was sitting sideways on the sofa with her back against the arm. Her legs were bent, and he was resting against her thighs. I liked that she really did make herself at home.

"Here you go," I said, offering her the mug.

"Do you mind setting it on the coffee table and popping that tea bag in? I don't want to hold anything hot while I have him."

I did as she asked and then sat down on the opposite wing of the sofa.

"Sooooooo...is there anything you'd like to tell me?" I asked after a couple awkward seconds of silence.

She sighed. "It was Mike's idea. He thinks your involvement in Jax's delivery is amazing and felt that using your name as his middle name was a good way to commemorate that. I think I was still loopy from childbirth, because for some reason I agreed. You weren't supposed to find out, though."

"But I'm honored by it!"

"Really? Are you just saying that to be nice? I'd totally get it if you were creeped out. If it really bothers you, we could probably change it."

I shook my head. "I'm being honest. Sure I was kind of shocked when I saw your friend's comment, but it makes me happy to think his name is connected to me. I just wish you'd told me."

"When I stopped by to see you with the blueberry loaf, you asked me his name and I was terrified that you'd push for the middle name. I should have told you then. I'm sorry you found out the way you did."

"No worries," I insisted.

She looked so relieved. She also looked exhausted. There were dark bags under her eyes, and she didn't have the vibrant smile I'd seen before.

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