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"You look so handsome!" Kennedy gushed as she straightened my bow tie in front of the hotel bathroom mirror.

I couldn't remember the last time I'd worn a simple black tuxedo, but I was pleased with the classic vibe.

"Thanks. And you look lovely, Ken. That dress is stunning," I said before I glanced at my watch, an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Concept I'd impulse bought when I was feeling low. "The limo is supposed to take us to the estate at 5:00. We should probably get going."

She grabbed her faux fur wrap from off the bed since it was supposed to get chilly later, and I got the keycard from the dresser and put it in my pocket. We left the room and took the elevator down to the main level. I looked around at the group gathered in the lobby. Brian was there along with his parents and grandparents, and several other family members and friends were also waiting for transportation to the venue. The bridal party had a limo, and everyone else who was staying locally would be shuttled over in a passenger van. It was making multiple trips, so many guests were probably still getting ready in their rooms. My mom had texted me that they'd be taking the 5:15 shuttle, which still got them there in plenty of time for the 6:00 ceremony.

Emmaline was not in the crowd which disappointed me. It made sense that she'd ridden over earlier with Jordyn so that Brian wouldn't see his bride before the ceremony. I knew I shouldn't want to see her, but I couldn't help it. Talking to her the day before had been both heaven and hell, and I wanted more. Of course this made me feel guilty since I had Kennedy with me, but I couldn't control my feelings, only my actions.

"Awn!" I heard a little voice say. I looked to my left and saw Jax running towards me wearing a miniature version of my tuxedo, leaving his grandparents in the dust.

I swooped him up into my arms. "Did you say my name?"

"Awn!" he said again, pointing at me.

"That's me. Awn Mendes," I said with a chuckle.

Denise and Jon joined us and I introduced them to Kennedy. We chatted congenially for a few minutes before Brian called out that the limo and shuttle had both arrived. Everyone got into their designated vehicles, except Jax rode in Em's car with his grandparents, since he needed a car seat.

When we got to the large barn, I gave Ken a kiss on the cheek and followed Brian and his dad to the groom's waiting room. Brian poured us each a glass of a fine single malt scotch. He wasn't drinking at the reception, but I understood why he needed this now.

"Here's to my beautiful wife-to-be who hopefully isn't getting cold feet right now," he said as he raised his glass.

"Not a chance," I told him.

We stood there talking as we sipped our drinks. I could hear voices in the next room, which held the bride and those closest to her, and occasionally I could hear Em's laughter. After a bit, I stepped into the hall to use the shared restroom. As I went to reach for the handle, the door opened and there stood the maid of honor, looking breathtakingly beautiful. She was wearing a long strapless gown made out of a matte rust-colored fabric. Her hair was pulled back from her face with tiny braids, and she had a crown of fall leaves that matched my and Brian's boutonnières.

"Hi," she said, interrupting my gawking.

"Oh, hey! How's everything going in your room?" I asked, nodding towards the bride's chambers.

"It's going very well. Both of our moms, plus Brian's mom and grandmas, are in there with us, which is making up for Jordyn not having her own mother here."

"It's probably for the best that Olivia wasn't invited."

"That goes without saying, but it doesn't make it any easier on Jordy. She was going to walk down the aisle alone, but we just came up with a better idea. It's last minute, which I know Poppy will not like, but I think it's a great solution."

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