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I'd just gotten back from a long gym session and was in my kitchen chugging a carton of electrolyte infused water when a knock on my door startled me. It was very rare that I received unexpected visitors, so my first thought was that some pushy fan snuck past security in the lobby. This was a very real fear of mine since so many people had figured out where I lived, thanks to my own stupidity. If I ever moved, I was going to be more careful about the photos I posted on social media. Both my parents' home and my condo addresses had been circulated online because my genius fans were really adept at using google maps.

Looking through the peephole, I saw the woman whose baby I'd delivered earlier this week. I'd been hoping to run into her again since we hadn't properly said goodbye that night, but I'd never considered she might pay me a visit. I undid the lock and opened the door.

"Hi!" she said with a bright smile. "I brought you a little something as a thank you for everything you did. I hope you like blueberry lemon loaf!"

She was wearing an oversized hoodie and athletic pants. I couldn't help but notice that she still looked pretty pregnant- not that I was judging her. Her baby belly had been huge, and it probably took time for all that extra stuff to go away.

"That sounds great! Come on in," I said as I stepped aside.

She shook her head causing her brown curls to bounce around her pretty face. "Oh! You don't have to invite me in. I know you're probably busy, and it looks like you are either coming from or going to the gym. I'll let you get on with your morning."

She then extended her hands, offering me a blue paper gift bag that presumably held the baked good. I took it and cocked my head towards the kitchen. "I've got coffee, and you need to tell me about the baby. I've been thinking about him a lot."

This was the truth. I'd replayed the childbirth over and over in my head at least a hundred times over the last couple days. It was just so- I don't know- miraculous? I couldn't believe I'd been there and that I'd seen this tiny little human enter the world. The birth had been both terrifying and galvanizing at the same time.

She bit her lip as she appeared to be considering my offer. "I can't have coffee. Breastfeeding," she said as she pointed to her boobs.

"I've got a wide selection of tea, and there's always water if nothing else works."

I could tell she wasn't sure whether to take me up on the offer, and I was certain she was going to just leave.

"Water would be lovely," she said, surprising me. "I'm supposed to be drinking 8 to 10 glasses a day now that my milk has come in."

I had no idea what that meant, and I wasn't about to ask, so I just smiled and nodded. We walked down the short hall into my kitchen.

"Wow! This place is incredible," she gushed as she looked around.

"Thanks. My mom did the decorating."

I lived in a three bedroom condo. The master bedroom was larger than the other two, though not gigantic. It had a fantastic walk-in closet and a killer bathroom with a deep tub and a large shower stall with multiple heads. There was a second bath in the hall near my bedroom, plus a small bedroom that I used as an office. The third bedroom, which was for guests, was near the dining room. When you entered, there was a laundry room on the right, followed by my state-of-the-art (and mostly unused) kitchen. Opposite that was the dining room. Past the kitchen was the large living area which was lined with windows that looked out on the entertainment district. I had a perfect view of Toronto's famous CN Tower. There were doors off both the guest bedroom and dining room that led to a large patio. This had the same view as my living room, and I'd taken many selfies from the railing, which had helped pinpoint my location. The patio had plenty of comfortable seating, a gas grill, and a fire pit.

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