Chapter 1

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The painful sound of the thing that scares me the most every morning awakes me.
My alarm clock.
That's it.
This is the day when I strike back and will not be tormented by this monster every single damn morning. I make the decision to stay in my bed forever and start a rebellion. I will tweet about my story and spread the word. This will change history.
My determination lasts about three magnificent seconds before I realise I'm hungry.
Oh well.
I swing my legs out of bed and whimper as the cold air attacks me. I hate mornings.
I quickly stumble to the bathroom in a daze of hunger and try to brush my teeth with makeup brush. I then go down stairs and into the kitchen. Silence is the only thing to wish me good morning as usual. My mother works most of the time and I haven't seen my father since I was five. I quickly break into my secret stash of cereal, my mother is obsessed with eating healthily.

I relax in the empty kitchen just eating my cereal when I happen to glance at the clock.
Im going to be late for school... Oops. I rush upstairs. I pull on some leggings, a hoodie and some absolutely destroyed converses. What? It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone. I brush my teeth (properly this time) and put my hair into a messy bun.
I grab my phone and school bag and flee from the house.
I'm walking down the road with earbuds in bopping my head when I notice I'm being followed. A battered black van is crawling at an extremely slow pace several metres behind me. I gulp and keep glancing back at it until all a sudden it does and circle and speeds off.
I try to slow my heart rate and push it out of my mind.
It probably wasn't following me it was just a conidence that it was going the same direction and then it was going the wrong way? I don't know.....
I shrug it off and continue on my way to school.

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