moving (damn heros)

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Five in the fucking morning

Tomura's I point of view

I woke up today thinking today will be a good day. BULL SHIT! I woke up today by a panicking Izuku as he throws me and Touya's villain suits at us. Saying in as loud as his tiny voice can get to "w-wake up! H-heros are at the d-door".

That got me and Dabi up quickly. Izuku had on his villain suit already and ran to wake everyone up. As he ran out the door me and Dabi changed. I went to the bar and Dabi went to wake everyone up with Izuku.

Karma got on my shoulders and put her head on mine. We hade another base set up so I set a trap down stairs. Everyone came down with out making a sound. I saw Izuku got Miro. Perfect! I grabbed Miro and made him sit on the floor. I gagged him and tied him up. I guess we need a new thing to do today. I was really looking forward to blowing up that hero mall.

Kerogiri got everyone in the portal and I got all the security activated. The hole building was not a huge metal box! HA! Take that heros! The base would blow up in 10 minutes. With the heros in it! I smiled and I looked though the cameras and saw they were trying to turn off the lockdown mode. FOOLS! I wrote a message in blood on the walls for the heros really quick. I hopped in the portal as I grabbed all my hands and Izuku plushies. Dabi hade his stuff so me and Kerogiri went through the portal. I unlocked the door from my phone once on the other side.

Izuku ran up and hugged me tighty lucky I did not fall over. I think he might be able to kill heros with his hugs at this point. I looked at everyone as they looked around the place. It was an old military base I found. Master fixed it up as a back up base. Everyone's room where set up and they even hade time for Izuku to get an enclosure in our room. It is bigger than the last.

"Go find your rooms guys there all set up. Your doors look like they would belong to you so it should be easy. Oh and are old base will blow up soon. Oh and Mustard no school for you. They probably will search your house and school. We will have to lay low for awhile. Also we left Miro, so they won't be after us as much. I got all the information out of him I needed anyway. So anyone want to go find something to blow up after we get settled in?" I said in one breath before I could get questioned by the idiots in the room. Everyone nodded and ran to see there rooms except Izuku, Touya and me.

"You guys okay" asked Touya as he walked over to see if we are okay. Izuku nodded and hugged Touya. Karma slithered off of me and on to Tuoya's Shoulders to probably look down on us. Cocky Snake.

"C-can we g-go see are r-room?" Asked Izuku as he put his head in Touya's chest. I smiled at how cute they where sometimes.

"Of course, Izuku" I said as I walked over to the stairs. Touya picked Izuku and we went upstairs. Everyone was looking around or setting up there rooms. I walked them to ours and went in. The room was huge. It looked just like our old one but bigger.

Karma got off Touya and went to explore the enclosure that was twice as big. Izuku went over there to go explore with her and I locked the bedroom door. Me and Dabi rearrange some things. Me and him than went downstairs to watch the news. Toga was already down there and waved us over to see the damage. I smiled at the hole in the ground where the building was.

Today the heros of our city conducted a raid on the villains hideout to get Izuku Midoriya and a hero named Miro that was held hostage at a mall. After the heros got inside they found Miro and got him to a hospital. Many heros went inside the base and the top ten heros keep watch out side of the base. A few minutes after they got Miro outside of the base they found a note from the leader of the league of villains. The note was wrote in blood on the wall of the bar. It said "we took the people you pushed away. You pushed us to this. You left us. You hurt us. Society will fall at our hands. The jokers will rule and the king's will suffer. Izuku is ours now. You can have the hero brat but he will always remember us in his nightmares. No matter what you do he will never truly be free, from your favorite villains that have purple wigs, red eyes and mustaches as disguises. PS this place will blow up soon BY". There heros lucky got out before the bombs went off but many of them are in critical condition. As you can see the villains hideout was rigged up to blow. The heros are looking around for the criminals. That is all we have today. Have a good day.

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