Time to meet the big boss man

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( I forgotten adout Muscular. He was the only one arrested on the summer camp attach on this words 1-A at this time when All for one was fully in charge and did not know Tomura, yet.)

Dabi point of view

Tomura opened the door to see Mustard. The kid had a smile on his face, so most likely he would have to see Sensei. Mustard was a good villain but a suck up to the big man becaus he does not want to be abandoned by another group of friends if that's what you can call us at this point.

"Boss needs you three," he said while smiling. I sighted but nodded. Tomura closed the door and grabbed some clothes to go change in the bathroom. I grabbed my clothes from my desk and changed in the closet.

I walked out of the closet and saw Izuku talking to Karma in snake. I smiled and sat beside them. Tomura finally came out and went through the portal waiting for us. Izuku held my hand as if I would disappear as Karma slide on my shoulders.

We got to the other side and introduce Izuku to Boss man. He and Izuku got along. Apparently Izuku is a huge nerd like Tomura, so he well help make the noum things stronger and better. Kerogiri will teach him more English and Tomura gets science. I now teach him math. I hate math but I am good at it. He also knew we where villains also which is very surprising but apparently I talk in my sleep. Tomura had already given the boss the notebook and boss told Izuku he should write more adout heros. He was also given a costume. (Same as he hero one but the hood is black and the green is darker. He has a black utility belt. That held a notebook, pen, knife, and a hand radio. He has no bunny ears and his mask is black and is a gasmask. Like Mustard but with snake fangs on the bottom cuz why not.) That summarized the meetings.

After we got to the bar Mustard and Toga wanted to hangout with Izuku, Tomura and me. Tomura wanted to turn Miro in to a half noum just because if All Might saves him he wants to have the last laugh. Also so Izuku could still have him as a friend with no threat to us. He went to go do that.

So me, Izuku, Toga and Mustard put on some disguises. (Fake contacts, purple wigs and fake fancy mustaches) We then left for the mall to shoplift. It was surprising that no one called the pros on a group of purple haired teens with mustaches and red eyes that where talking about blowing up a statue. After a while of stealing Toga set up bombs and as we left the place was in flames. (I draw it!)

We went back to the bar and Tomura was waiting for that hero to wake up in the basement

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We went back to the bar and Tomura was waiting for that hero to wake up in the basement. We all sat in the basement and waited for a hour. We talked a lot about how heros were selfish and corrupt. Toga and Mustard went upstairs to see the news and if they liked out genius disguises. I told them to record it for us. I then heard a moan and looked to see the hero awake.

"What happened? I feel really weird," He said while holding his head.

"H-hi M-Miro" said Izuku in a small voice. He gave Miro a small wave.

"Huh, oh Hi Izuku. How are you doing?" He asked as he looked at me with a glare.

Izuku smiled and said "I-I am good. T-tomura does h-he have a r-room he can s-sleep in? The t-table looks u-uncomfortable".

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