Into the Forest

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(In this AU your soulmate or soulmates makes you feel comfortable as long as our with them. Soulmates are born in the same country as each other so it is easier to find each other. The universe just works like that. You can have up to 5 soulmates but that is very rare. You can't love anyone in a romantic way if they're not your soulmate. You soulmate marks are a picture of your soulmates quirk or something that shows how it works. If they don't have a quirk it will be something that they love doing and there hair color. You soulmate mark shows there mental health with the color. If they are depressed the colors are faded, if they are really sick the mark has gray around it. If they die all the color on the mark turns wight and the out lines are gray. You soul mate can be ten years older at the max. If you soulmate is not born yet you will still have there mark but it will have black sparkles all around it.)
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9 years later

Dabi's point of view

fucking god shit no nope nope nope nope nope!
We were gonna go home but no.
The heros found us walking back from a store to buy crackers and they are now running after us like we robbed a bank. I actually paid for the crackers this time to. I really hate heros. Toga is screaming like a maniac and running with her hands flailing in the air. Hand fetish is on my back trying to shot the heros but he is a bad shot. We need to lose this fuckers fast or we might get get cought or the rest of the league will tear up the city looking for us.

"Stop you villains" shots some random stupid hero.

"NO" said Togaas she flipped of the heros while running.

"Shut up Toga" me and my hand loving boyfriend say at the same time. Tomura finally managed to shot one of the stupid heros.

I then see a entrance to a huge forest on our left. So I grab Toga's heavy self and run in to the woods going off the trail. I was running as fast as I can while carrying two idiots. I ran past a lot of trees and list the heros in the thick woods.

"Look cave, let's go in there" shots Tomura pointing to a large cave. I nod and run inside of it and finally putting Toga and my boyfriend down. We will need to wait till the heros leave to escape or wait a few hours till Kerogiri can warp us.

Izuku's point of view
70 minutes earlier

I bit a fish that I put in my small pond for when I get sick enough to not be able to get food or if I over use my snake form. At the moment I am not sick but just feel like crap so i am just gonna chill at home for a while. I start a fire to cook my fish with my lighter and move the rock agianst the exit a little so the smoke can leave. After I make a fire and cut up the fish I throw it's head in the water for my other fish to eat. I then see my snake friend still sleeping. I know she well be mad if I don't wake her for food so.... I guess I have no choice but to wake her. ( :

"WAKE UP" I yelled in snake to my best (and only) snake sister, Karma. She is a huge female python. I found her dying near the cave after a huge storm on my first year hear and took her in. She never left me and we soon became friends. She is very sister like so I call her my big sister. She glared at me and I spit out my forked tough at her. She then does her morning routine.

I then start to cook our fish holding them on a stick that was stabbed through it meat. It finished cooking and I stared to eat it quickly. I gave Karma her piece and I then changed my clothes and brushed my long green hair with my fingers the best I could. I need to cut it agian. Good thing I have medical scissors and Karma to help me cut it.

I cleaned up the cave some with Karma's help and put out the fire. As soon as I did I felt a lot colder and decided to snuggle up in my blanket till it was warmer out side. Karma saw me and rapped up in my lap. It was still barely sunrise so we hade time to sleep. Today we would need to get more sticks because we are low on wood and would need to get more to cook dinner. I would probably need a bath tonight to get the smell of smoke off to.

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