...and Hating To Remember

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Chapter 7- ...and Hating To Remember

Kaylen smiled at me. "Okay, what did you do?" I asked quietly, grabbing her hand.

"Nothing. I promise."

"You lie. What makes you lie?" I giggled as we strode hand in hand into the café. She gave me 'the look'. This 'look' can only be described as the answer Kaylen gave to a question that I shouldn't have bothered asking.

I'd picked it up pretty fast when we were younger, for it was her signature look. It meant,

'don't ruin my fun.' It screamed, 'You better watch out!', and it generally involved her nosing in my business. The last time I remembered her giving anyone that look was the day that her best friend started going out with one of the most popular guys in school. I was almost positive that it wasn't an accident on Kaylen's part.

            I smiled and we headed to the lunch line to get food. I grabbed a bottle of water and a salad, and Kaylen continued to give me that look. It was quite annoying.

            I realized what she'd done within a few minutes, because as soon as Kaylen and I sat at another table (away from Shane), he skipped over like a little girl and plopped his rear in the seat next to mine. There wasn't anything I could do except turn and pretend he wasn't there. I swerved my entire body toward Kaylen and began a topic of conversation that I knew made no sense.

"So, what happened with that guy a few months ago, it wasn't weird, was it?" I didn't know where I was going with the words until I had already spoken. I continued with swift grace, hoping Shane wasn't deaf. "Yea, I wouldn't want a girl to treat me that way, I mean, it would break my heart." I emphasized the last words, subtly shifting my eyes to my peripheral, directing all my words at Shane. "Who ever did that was selfish, cruel, and hopefully, he can learn a lesson."

Shane glared at me. "I can't take it!"

"Oh. I didn't even realize you were there!" I faked recognized him.

"Yea yea. But I'm serious! I miss you." He said with sincerity.

"Whatever. You don't miss the girls you dump every week."

"That's different. You're... My best friend. Girls are..."

"Just someone else you can hurt, right?" I paused. "It's not like I don't love you. I do. But it's very nerve-racking for me if you can't accept my choices just because you don't live that way."

"I know." Shane said. I then realized that I was still facing Kaylen, and having at least some decency left, I finally turned around. "I know, and I'm sorry. I have no right to judge your life's choices, especially if I haven't gotten mine in check. I'm truly, really, terribly sorry." Shane was staring at me without faking, so I figured the right had been claimed. After all, I wasn't that hateful. I could forgive and forget.

I eyed Kaylen, knowing she'd somehow shown her 'powers', and then finally hugged Shane with a smile. "I'm sorry, too. I can't be one to judge and neither can you. It's... not fair." I consented.

Somehow, my amazing girlfriend had done it again, manipulating others' lives for the good. As much as I was against it, I couldn't deny that it was useful. It had saved my best friend.

I didn't have football practice today, but I did have a game. Too bad I wasn't going to be there. The coach had benched me anyway. I smiled again as my football pals vanished behind me. There was going to be a real stretching problem on Monday, since I hadn't been working out at home.  Then I remembered the big day Saturday. There was Karate, and the auditions. Forget the stretching; I'd already be sore on Monday. I groaned at the thought.

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