Chapter 6: Training Days

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/N's thoughts): It has been three weeks since I had accepted attending UA and still had more than five months left until the next year started. That same day, principal Nezu had a decent home constructed on campus for me to live in for the time being. It was much nicer than I had expected and certainly much nicer than that rusty shack I was living in before. I almost forgot what being in a bed was like, it was so soft that I had trouble sleeping for a few nights because I had gotten used to sleeping on the ground. I started some intense training on day one. I know im going to pass the entrance exam regardless but i've never been satisfied with staying at my current level. Always pushing the limits of what your capable of, another important mindset for a hero to have. UA has many training facilities that I started to use, principal Nezu had granted me access to all of them, so there wasn't much point in not using them. The various gyms were full of heavy lifting machinery and quirk training machines however none of them were really suited for my quirk so I just did image training on my own for that. I cant use too many of the heavy lifting machines though. Some of them are good for improving my general strength but having overly bulky muscles will just get in the way of my techniques, they don't even get that heavy anyway so most of them are useless.

I was currently training to improve my form with 100 pound wrist and ankle weights on. Some people were watching me and were both impressed and confused. I've been getting looks from some of the students here, they probably think that im just some freeloader cause I don't actually go here yet. I had just finished up my routine and in the middle of taking the weights off when someone came up to me.

Random douchebag: Hey! Who the hell are you? You don't go to this school so why are you training here?

Y/N: To be a hero you dumbass. Get lost.

He became mad and got in my face after that. He was probably some kind of hero in training, his body was covered in bone spikes and they became longer and sharper when he got angry.

Random douchebag: This place is only for training real heroes, a loser like you will never make it so leave before I make you. Got it!

He then shoved me but it barely moved me back. Then I grabbed his collar and lifted him up with one hand. He tried moving my hand but he couldn't break out of my grip. I then threw him across the room and he bounced off the floor before hitting a wall. All the others then looked at me.

Y/N: Anyone else?

They all shook their heads and went away. I went back to do another set even though I was already finished. That guy put me in the mood to train more. Assholes like that shouldn't even be aloud to become heroes.

After I finished for real this time, another person walked up and started talking to me however I like talking to this guy.

Mirio: Wassup Y/N! You just getting here too?

Y/N: Hey man and no, im finishing up actually.

Mirio: Really? Man, you must get up early. How's it going?

Y/N: Alright. Just dealt with some spiky third year guy.

Mirio: Ibara Toge? Yeah he's kinda the bully of this school. He's actually one of the strongest in class 1B so i'm surprised you dealt with him and don't even have a scratch.

Y/N: He was nothing. Not worth my time.

Mirio: Well I have to get started with my routine so I guess ill see you later.

Y/N: See you later.

I then went home and took a shower. It was nice having running water for a change. Before this, I had to take water from the nearby rivers and boil it if I wanted to drink it. I lived really primitively now that I think of it. After finishing up, I started meditating and attempted to image train against All Might. Image training is good for keeping my skills sharp but it's nothing compared to the real thing. I haven't fought against anyone since I got here. I'm starting to get pretty bored because of that.

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