Chapter 1: Day to Day

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(Y/N's thoughts): When you've been fighting for as long as I have you start to have a pretty cut and dry view of the world, and when you've faced as many hardships as me you'd probably drop dead from the trauma. Not me though. There's too much wrong with the world to stop fighting for what's right. I've been in this fight against good and evil for most of my life. Taking on bad guys that would have hurt the innocent and heroes who don't see my actions as just. I don't give a damn about that though. I say let them try, they aren't as high and mighty as you think. Logic would have you assume that I probably can't do this forever, fighting a war on two fronts like this, but there's too much to save for me to stop now. Besides, I kinda like the challenge.

(Narrator pov)

It was an unusually quiet morning in Japan. Usually by this time there would be reports of villains with dangerous quirks committing crimes and heroes stopping them. Our protagonist, Y/n, is watching the city from a rooftop vantage point were he can get a good view of several back alleys and shops.

(Y/N pov)

Y/N: Its quiet today. There should have been something by now. That villain I beat up last week said evil never rests... Damnit did he just say that to sound cool?!

Just as Y/N was about to move on he spotted a mother and her child turn down an alley way with a dead end were villains love to ambush unknowing citizens.

Y/N: This won't end well

Almost on cue, a man covering his face started to follow them. When they reached the dead end, they turned around to see the man.

Masked villain: Alright you two. I'm gonna have to take everything you got. Understand? Starting with you kid, hand over that Allmight figure!

Kid: No way, he's my favorite hero and I bet he'll stop you!

Masked villain: Is that so? *chuckles as he pulls a knife* How bout we show the symbol of peace he can't save everyone.

The masked man slowly started walking towards them with the mother standing in front of her child preparing to break the law and use her quirk to defend them. But when the villain was about 15ft away, a dark figure jumped between them. The figure stood up and spoke.

Y/N: Imma have to ask you to get lost buddy.

Masked villian: What the?!

Kid: Mommy look! It's a hero!

Y/N: heh. Not exactly kid.

Masked villian: I think you jumped between the wrong robbery, now you have to die.

Y/N: You sure you don't want to run? I'm not as forgiving as any of the heroes.

Without answering, the villain attached Y/N with his knife, going for a powerful downwards stab. Y/N easily sidestepped the attack and the knife went into the ground. Y/N then kicked the handle breaking the blade and two of the villains fingers. The villain yelled in pain before Y/N delivered a swift and powerful punch to the face sending the villain back several meters.

Masked villain: *pulls down mask to reveal a bloody and broken nose* Damn you!

Y/N laughs slightly seeing the hurt villain and taunts him.

Y/N: You looked better with your mask on.

The villain's face gave off a furious look before he started laughing.

Villain: Alright, guess there's no point in keeping you alive.

The villain's right eye began to glow a bright red color before a laser beam was shot out of it towards Y/N.

Y/N held both of his hands out and prepared himself for the attack. The moment the beam came in contact with his hand he quickly moved his body and shot it back at the villain.

The villain was so shocked that he didn't think to avoid and once the beam came in contact with him it blew up, rendering him unconscious.

Y/N exhaled and dusted himself off

Y/N: Explosive eye beams huh? You might have been a decent hero if you weren't such a scumbag.

Kid: Excuse me Mr. hero. *Y/N turned to face the kid* Thank you for saving me!

Y/N: No problem kid.

Kid: What's your hero name?

Y/N: Don't have one, I ain't a hero.

Kid: But you just beat a bad guy. You have to be a hero right?

Y/N: Maybe in your eyes. I just did the right thing here today. A hero wasn't gonna show and you needed help.

Kid: Why couldn't a hero show up?

Y/N: I dunno. You can't rely on heroes to save you every time. Its possible for a hero to fail and when they do, people get hurt. So get strong ok. Then you'd be able to take care of yourself.

The kid looked confused for a moment, then nodded in agreement. Y/N left, dragging the body of the villain and throwing it into the street.

Y/N: Will someone please call a hero to clean up this mess!

Several people got on there phones and started to call the police. That was Y/N's cue to leave and climbed up a building and escaped on the rooftops.

Y/N's thoughts: Some way to start the day.

As Y/N was jumping between two buildings, a heroes capture tool wrapped around him, bringing him to the ground and hitting it hard enough to crack it.

Y/N: *smiles menacingly* And it just got better.

Mysterious hero: Well well. Haven't seen you around in a while. You're under arrest for illegally use of your quirk on others.

Y/N: *laughs slightly* Didn't think you'd be up this early Eraserhead.

Y/N pulled on Eraserhead's scarf to bring him in for an attack and he was forced to unravel his scarf to avoid it and jumped away. Then they both got into a combat stance and stared at eachother.

 Then they both got into a combat stance and stared at eachother

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Y/N: This is gonna be fun

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Y/N: This is gonna be fun. Hope you're ready 'hero'!

When Heroes Aren't Enough (Male Reader x My Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now