『 Real War 』

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"GO! GO! GO! GO!"

Ashley jumped after Dick.
The adrenaline bumping in her veins.

The only sounds that she heard were the explodes of other plains and painful screams.

For next 10-15 min she observed the land as she slowly fell into the ground.

She didn't mind the 'off' button, she took another dagger and cut herself out.

After a few seconds she disappeared into the woods.


"Okay, wait for my signal." Richards group waited for the Germans to ride through the tunnel.

When the horses showed up, Bill took out his rifle and aimed, shooting at particular noting.

"Stop! Cease fire!"  When the others stopped shooting, they found out that there was no one.

Dick hold out a fist, and went forward through the tunnel alone.

"Jesus Christ." He murmured under his nose.

Looking Around he saw five krauts hanged on the trees with arrows in the back, the others had stab wounds in the neck.

"Good action Richard, but you gotta by more cautious around here." Said a voice above.

Dick looked around, trying to find the person in the woods.

"Uhh, hi?" Ash asked dangling from a tree in front of The soldiers face.

The shocked man punched her in the face.

„Aww, fuck." She groaned while falling of the tree.

"I'm sorry, are you alright? let me take a look." Winters said crouching next to Ashley and examining what he has done.

A bloody nose.

"What's going on her-yooo Ash joined the team, guys we're safe." One of the small crew cheered quietly.


"How did you do that so quietly?" Richard asked, interested about Ash's technique.

Ashley just simply showed him her bow that she took and rope.

"I prefer killing with the bow, it's more quiet." The woman replied, holding the bow and few arrows in her right hand, and holding her nose with the left one.

Dick just nodded with understanding.

"Here, have my weapon." She said handing him her gun, with a word 'FOX' painted with blue paint.

"Thank you, Sergeant." He replied smiling.

"For fox's sake, just call me by my name." She whispered angrily, limping a little.

This got Richard's attention, but he knew that it was better not to ask Ash.


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