『 My kind 』

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All the words in italic will mean thoughts of someone. Sometimes I got irritated when I need to write all the time she/he thought, So yeah.

"How is she?"

"I don't know,she didn't wake up yet."

"It's okay, the bags under her eyes shows that she wasn't sleeping well in these last days. It's good that she's resting now."

"You know the best, Doc."

"Call me if she wakes up."


That's all Ash could see.

She tried opening her eyes, but to no vain.

She tried to 'feel' where she is.

It smelled like some medicine.

Ashley knew that smell, Eugene always smelled like that.

She could feel a warm cover wrapped around the bandages on her chest, also a needle in her right arm and a warm feeling around one of her hands.

It felt nice.

Someone was holding her hand, running their thumb in a fast pace.

Probably anxious about something.

There could be three people who are that anxious.

So she guessed.

"Eugene?" She slightly whispered.

Her voice rough from not speaking for half Of the day.

"Blue... you're alive!...I have a very important question for you. You need to think about it before answering, okay?" Ron went to business already.

Here we go... Ashley just nodded.

"Tell me... why the hell are you so stupid goddamn woman?!" He yelled smacking her head.

"You could have died!"

That was the plan...
but it didn't go as planned.

"Sorry?" Ashley replied in an unsure voice.

When her eyes already adjusted to the light, she saw an exhausted man, sitting next to her.

His stubble has grown, also his hair.

The thief could see from his slouched form and his tired eyes that he hasn't slept for a while.

"Good to see you alive fox, your company has missed you." He said, rubbing his small beard.

"Oh and look who I found. he went all the way here just to be with you." Ron added pointing at Ahira.

Well let's just say, the dog wasn't in a good form.

Got bandages here and there, and he was very thin.

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