『 You're different 』

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„You can come in." 

Ashley opened the door and found her officer sitting on the toilet, in her shorts.

The girl went out of the bathroom and started laughing.

Let's just say, an officer in shorts hits differently.

"You think this is funny? I saved your life." He said looking at her seriously in the doorway.

"Oh, honey. I could have saved myself and you know that." Ashley replied giggling a little at the end.

"Commeee ooon, let's get started already, you have been changing forever." Grabbing his bloody arm she pulled him into the bathroom.

„Well, if You haven't notice your shorts are very very tight, and small." Looking at the little girl he said.

"Yeah, you've got a great ass Speirs." She smirked to which he replied with a small thank you.

The conversation ended and Ash got back to work.

First she started cleaning his face from all the blood, then cleaning his wounds.

It happened that the drunk guy had a glassy bottle and yeah... things got messy. There were three little wounds that should be stitched.

Ashley informed him about it and asked for permission to stitch those wounds. 

"Do whatever feels right to do woman."

She liked that, woman. Not everyone looked at her that way.

The Officer watched her every move. When she was done with his face, Ron went into the bathtub.

Ashley sat on a corner of the bath and started as before, first cleaning the body from blood, then examining the cuts.

This time there was only one big gush on his Back. It took her 6 minutes to stitch it.

"All right. All done, think of this as a thank you." She grabbed all the bloody bandages.

„Hey wait, you've got something here." Ashley said hovering over him.

She splashed the water straight into his face, smiling a little.

Seeing the officers death glare, she ran for her life.

Unfortunately for her, Ronald caught her when they ran the third lap around the small house.

His slippy feet didn't help and they crashed a few times.

"You've got yourself into trouble Milady." he took her by the waist and lifted her 'the princess way', she tried wriggling her way out, but the man just put her through his shoulder.

"Oh no. No. Don't you dare, Officer Ronald Speir-" She couldn't finish her sentence because her body was met with water.

Cold water.

"Don't I dare what, Sergeant Bluefox?" Ronald asked smirking and holding her down so she won't escape so quickly.

"Okay fine I'll sit here with you, just a few minutes." Lighter said giving up.

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