Prom Shopping

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        "Lu-chan! Are you feeling okay? If you aren't it's okay," Levy burst out through the phone. 

        "No, I'm fine Levy. I'm a little sore but that's all. My nose looks disgusting though, when they ask say I fell down the stairs," I informed her while lightly touching my bandaged nose. I winced and dropped my hand, damn that hurt!

        "Okay..." Levy hesitantly let out.

        "Thanks, meet you at the station in 20 minutes!" I cheered and hung up before she could respond. I wobbled my way over to my dresser, finding an outfit to wear. Usually, I would wear a skirt or shorts but I couldn't let anyone see my bruises. I decided to wear flare jeans, a tee shirt, and a hoodie over that. I didn't look my best but, at least they wouldn't ask as many questions. 

        As I walked outside into the bright sunshine, I tried not to limp while walking. The bruises left my body sore and I ached everywhere. I would have stayed home, but this was my last chance to go prom shopping. I would just have to suck it up. It was okay though, I can't wait to find my perfect dress. As I turned the last corner, a bluenette ran towards me.

        "Lu-chan, oh my god you look awful!" she exclaimed, pointing at my nose.

        "Thanks Levy," I mumbled sarcastically. An apologetic look flashed across her face and she started to babble an apology.

        "I'm sorry Lu-chan! I didn't mean that. I meant that you shouldn't be here and should be taking care of yourself!" she said in a rush of words.

        "I'm fine Levy. Plus, all this shopping will get my mind off of it," I assured her with a smile. 

        "Hey Levy why did you run off," Erza's strict voice came from behind me. 

        "I saw Lucy!" the short girl exclaimed.

        "Lucy, your nose looks horrible," Erza eyed my nose suspiciously. 

        "I know," I spat. Is this going to happen all day?

        "What happened?" Juvia asked me.

        "Well, I was kinda a klutz and fell down a flight of stairs," I lied to them.

        "Oh, are you well enough to come with us?" Erza questioned.

        "Yup, now let's go," I really wanted to get off this topic.

        As we sat on the subway, we all chattered excitedly about prom. From dates, to dresses, to shoes. That was all we talked about. We had planned to sleep over together that night, which I was looking forwards too. It would be nice to spend the night of our lives together.

        "Juvia is so excited to go to prom with Gray-sama!" Juvia squealed as we started to slow down.

        "I bet Gray is excited too. He pretends that he is all "cool" but I bet he loves the attention that you are giving him," Erza stats as we walk off. As we entered town, shops surrounded us. I loved going to the center of town!

        "Let's go here!" Levy exclaimed and pointed to a dress shop nearby. We all agreed and walked in. Dresses, shoes, and various types of accessories sprawled throughout the store. A sweet smell like fruit filled the room.

        "I'm going to go look at these dresses," Erza pointed to some sleek long dresses.

        "Juvia will go with!" Juvia exclaimed, following Erza. 

        'Let's go look at these ones," Levy pointed to some shorter dresses. I followed quietly while I looked at my phone.

        Natsu: You have to send me a picture of the dress you pick out!

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