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        It was finally Friday. Thank Mavis that it was! School had been agonizing all week! Natsu was absent today, I don't know why. It seems odd without having him hanging onto my shoulder all day. It was kinda nice though, him following me everywhere was getting on my nerves. I never really got to have a time by myself all week. 

        "I got to go, I'm going to Gajeel's house!" Levy's soft voice said.

        "Oh so you've been going to Gajeel's," I wriggled my eyebrows at her.

        "It's not like... that. We have just been hanging out together that's all," she said shyly. I laughed and shooed her off, giving her a quick hug before she walked off. The halls had started to clear out and I decided to go to the library. I haven't had time to read since Natsu has always been around.

        I walked into the library and I saw the librarian there. She gave me a kind smile and I smiled back. I walked to the back of the library and up to the second floor to a spot rarely anybody went. I walked behind a shelf of books and sat in a chair that was behind it. These books were mostly textbooks that no one uses anymore so no one ever goes near here. I was just wondering around one day when I saw the chair and table sitting behind the old textbooks. I loved the seclusion of it and come here as often as I can. 

        I pulled out my book and was about to open it when a buzzing came from my backpack. I looked around to see if anyone was around and as usual, no one was. I lifted the bag onto my lap and dug through the front pocket to find my phone. When I had finally pulled it out, I saw I had a text from Natsu. Finally, he hasn't answered me back all day!

        Natsu: Hey sorry I haven't answered you all day. I haven't been on my phone all day. Also, I wasn't feeling well so I stayed home. I hope you had a good day and I'll see you tomorrow! Love You Luce.

        A smile tugged at my lips as I read the text. I decided not to answer back for the time being and read my book for the hour I had. I put my phone down on the table and opened my thick book. Soon, I wasn't even aware of my surroundings. I was stuck in the events of my book.

        "Lucy, I'm leaving now," the librarian said, tapping me on the shoulder.

        "Oh, thanks for letting me stay," I thanked.

        "No problem, have a fun weekend," the elderly woman told me and walked in a different direction than I was going.

        It was almost around sunset when I was almost home. As I walked, I heard giggling coming from behind me. When I looked around, I saw Lisanna and her friends laughing and looked at me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking, how childish. Honestly, they need to cut it out.

        "Hey blondie!" I stopped and looked back to the group of girls. I saw Lisanna wave and walk towards me. 

        "Hi Lisanna," I mumbled. What did she want?

        "So are you and Natsu serious now? Cause you guys are so cute together!" she exclaimed the last part and gave me a smile.

        "Yeah I guess we are," I responded quietly. Maybe Lisanna had excepted Natsu didn't like her.... 

        "Slut!" she yelled and punched me in the stomach, causing me to fall to the ground in pain. By then, her friends had swarmed around and they all looked down. As I clutched my stomach, Lisanna leaned down and grabbed my hair tightly.

        "Natsu doesn't even like you! He is just trying to get into bed with you!" she spat in my face and stood back up. She then kicked my face, landing right on my nose. I screamed out in agony as I heard a crack and blood run down my face. Her friends decided to join in, all kicking my in various places. Soon, I felt weak and couldn't even yell anymore. I just lay there, waiting for them to end it.

        "What are you doing?! Stop!" I heard a familiar voice shout. 

        "You girl's have five seconds to run before I beat your asses! And don't worry, it will be ten times worse than what you did to Lucy," I heard a rough voice call out. All the girls screamed and ran away, leaving my sore body to lay limp. I slightly looked up to see Levy and Gajeel. 

        "Levy?" I choked out. The bluenette ran towards me and got on her knees. Tears streamed down her face.

        "Lucy! Don't worry, we are going to get help!" she said through her tears.

        "N-no! Take me home," I exclaimed. 

        "But Lucy," Levy was about to argue when I responded.

        "Take me home! I don't need to go to the doctors!" I exclaimed. Levy nodded and looked to Gajeel for help. He sighed and came over. They both got on either side of me and slowly lifted me up, holding my arms around their shoulders. I grimaced in pain, but told them to keep going. Luckily, my house was only down the street.

        "Lucy, you need to go to the doctor," Levy bit down on her nails as I lay on my bed. 

        "No!" I yelled in desperation. I couldn't go to the hospital. It would just cause more problems.

        "Well then, at least let me make sure nothing severe has happened," Levy sighed. I nodded and she walked over to me with a wet cloth. She began to wipe the blood that had poured from my nose. I winced as she touched it, a sting of pain traveling through my face.

        "Her nose is broken," Gajeel's gruff voice spoke up.

        "I know, I can see the purple and black around it,"  Levy's worried voice spoke. 

        "You guys, I'm fine," I lied.

        "Oh really so it doesn't hurt when I do this," Levy said and poked a big bruise on my arm. I quickly pulled back my arm and whinced in pain. 

        "Oh Lucy, you are Lucy I'm training to be a doctor," Levy sighed and reached into her backpack. She pulled out a first aid kit and rummaged through it, pulling out various band aids and other supplies. 

        After Levy slowly fixed me up, she finally finished fixing my wounds. Luckily I was just left with a broken nose and many bruises around my body. I had many band aids covering cuts and bruises.

        "I am unsure about your nose, if it still hurts and the color doesn't fade, go to the doctor," Levy informed me. I nodded in agreement.

        "Don't tell Natsu," I warned them. They cast an uneasy glance at each other then looked back at me.

        "Fine," the small girl didn't even try to argue. Gajeel mumbled some kind of agreement and rolled his eyes.

        "Lu-chan, are you still going to be able to go prom shopping with me and the girls?" Levy asked.

        "I'm going. I need to get ready for prom," I told her. She giggled and nodded. "Now shoo! I know you guys have somewhere else to be! Thank you for helping me!" 

        They said their goodbyes and were off. Later that night, as I took a shower I felt a lot of pain as the hot water hit all the scrapes I had gotten. I looked at the blade sitting on my shower shelf. I hestaintly reached my hand towards it and stopped. I needed to be strong. I promised Natsu. I had to keep that promise. I needed to be strong for him. 

Hey guys! How are ya? I hoped you like this chapter and I will update asap! We are at chapter 17!! Whoot whoot! I am planning to end it around chapter twenty five, which is only eight chapters more. :( Make sure to vote, comment, follow me, and share with your fellow Otakus! Love ya!-AdyLuv

A Stupid Hot Head-Natsu Dragneel fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now