I Already Fell

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        At the end of the day, I walked up to Natsu. He was leaning against a wall with his eyes closed and it looked like he was thinking hard. I stood in front of him waiting for him to notice me. It didn't take long for him to sense my presence and he opened his eyes. When he saw it was me, he smiled.

        “What's up sweetheart?” he asked.

        “We walk together, remember?” I said like he was dumb.”Somebody forgot to come this morning.”

        “Actually, I was running late, I got there, not early, but on time and you weren't there,” he smirked,”It seems you have been avoiding me.” Shit. He got me there.

        “Well I'm not right now so let's go,” I rolled my eyes teasingly. I started to walk and he followed me.

        “So sweetheart, what's up with you? I heard you seemed...off today,” he said. I took a deep breath. Was I really going to tell him? I had no clue what I was getting myself into by doing this. But, I had to tell him I knew.

        “Well, you were right, I got a note from a boy,” I told him.

        “Oh!” he mock surprise,”Who is it from?” Oh he's trying to play dumb. Well, I'll do it too.

        “I don't know they didn't leave a name, and didn't want me to know,” I said.

        “Oh that sucks,” he smiled thinking he was smart. Haha, in his dreams!

        “Yeah, I think it is really stupid though, not only could he man up to to tell me in person, he couldn't even tell me his name on the note!” I complained to get a reaction. I saw his face fall. He started to get a worried look in his eyes.

        “W-well maybe he was nervous,” he defended. How cute.

        “I can't believe you are defending him! I mean, a “cool guy” like yourself should be dissing him too, because you are to cool to do stuff like that,” I mocked him. He got all quite. The look on his face was priceless! I started to laugh like a maniac. He looked at me like a lost puppy.

        “I know it was you Natsu, I said all that just to see your reaction,” I said in between laughs.

        “How did you figure it out?!” he exclaimed.

        “I'm just that smart,” I stuck my tongue out at him.

        “So do you feel the same? I know I didn't treat girls good in the past, but I swear I'll change, I'll keep doing the dare if I have to! I want to change for you,” he burst out. I looked at him with wide eyes.

        “I don't know Natsu, I seriously don't want to be hurt,” I looked down.

        “So you do feel the same, you just are scared,” he sounded hopeful. Might as well say my mind while we are doing it.

        “Yes Natsu, I like you. All weekend, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I hate you for making me feel this way about you! I keep telling my heart that you are bad but yet it doesn't listen. I try pushing thoughts of you away but they always find their way back into my head. I just wish I could go back to the time when I thought you were all bad, because now I see the good parts about you and they make me want you. I know your bad for me but my heart tells me to take the risk,” I faded off. Natsu stared at me like I spoke another language. I looked down and cursed at myself. I knew I should've kept my mouth shut.

        “I couldn't stop thinking about you from the moment I went to talk to you in the courtyard that day. When you said what you thought of me I swore I'd change. I followed you around trying to get you to see the good parts off me. And I swear to you Lucy, I won't do anything to hurt you,” he said. I looked up and saw that he was closer know. I pondered on what to do. Should I take the risk and fall and hope he will catch me or should I walk away from the cliff where it is safe. It didn't take long to choose my decision. I knew what it was.

        I looked up at him and smiled. “You better catch me,” I whispered at kissed him. Yes, I kissed him. I don't know how I got the courage to do it but I kissed him. He was shocked at first but then smiled. He kissed back. Then, he pulled away.

        “I will always catch you,” he whispered. I smiled. The reason why it was so easy to decide was because I realized, I fell a long time ago. There was no going back. I just had to trust that he would catch me. And I was willing to let that happen.

        “You know, I don't know that much about you Lucy,” he said as we walked back to my house holding hands.

        “Yeah, maybe we could ask each other random questions to get to know each other better,” I suggested. He laughed as an agreement.

        “Okay, um favorite color?” he asked.

        “Pink,” I said looking at his hair. He ruffled it as a gesture. And so on started the never ending questions. Some were random and silly like the first one. Others were serious and sad. We went on for hours talking about each other and sharing our secrets. After we asked each other almost every impossible question, it got silent.

        “I can't believe I fell for Natsu Dragneel, a stupid hot head,” I teased. But was serious at the same time. I couldn't believe it. He was the last guy I ever pictured myself with.

        “And I can't believe I caught the beautiful nerd that wouldn't give me the time of day,” he looked at me with loveable eyes. I smiled and he smiled back. My worries started to disappear and I only longed to be with him. It was like he took over my mind and there was no way I could get it back. Pictures of him filled my head and I didn't care. I loved every single one of them.

        “Hey Lucy,” Natsu said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

        “Yeah Natsu?” I asked him.

        “I have to get going, it's getting late and we have the most wonderful thing in the world, school,” he exaggerated.

        “You are the most wonderful thing in the world,” I mumbled. He looked at me with devious eyes.

        “What did you say?” he asked getting closer.

        “Nothing...”I trailed the last part off. He started to tickle me. I started to laugh as hard as I could and gasp for air.

        “I think you said I was the most wonderful, sweetheart,” he teased and I rolled around and was dying.

        “P-p-please N-Natsu! S-stop it!” I gasped for air. He stopped but still hovered over me.

        “You're so freaking cute,” he said and kissed me lightly. Then, he got up and walked towards the door. “I'll see you tomorrow bright and early!”

        “Bye Natsu!” I called out.

         “Bye Lucy!” he called back. I lay on the couch hugging my pillow and blushing. I was dating Natsu . My first kiss and my first love.

A Stupid Hot Head-Natsu Dragneel fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now