A Stupid Hot Head

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        I hate stupid school. I hate all the stupid people, events, teachers, classes, lunches, and every pointless thing that comes along with school. I mean, I'm not one of those meat head idiots who don't like school because they are, well, meat head idiots. I have good grades and I am in advanced classes. I just don't understand why I have to go to school, I am perfectly fine with taking online classes but no, I have to go through the stupid "high school experience" as my mom said. 

        "Why the down face sweetheart?" I heard a voice mock taking me out of my negative and hateful thoughts. I saw it was the extremely stupid, idiotic, hot headed Natsu Dragneel. Natsu was the typical jock who had girls chasing after him. He played with all the girls hearts and threw them into the ground and stomped on them. It was sickening. Him and his posy were all like that.

        "Oh just thinking about how much I hate people like you," I said hatefully and grabbed my stuff, getting ready to go to class.

        "Oh c'mon, I wouldn't hurt a fly," he gave me an innocent look and a sly grin.

        "Tell that to the girls who you play with like a toys," I sneered. I hate him so much. I hate him even more because he thinks he can have anyone he wants. Yes, he was attractive, with his bright pink hair and toned muscles and his fiery attitude but none of it mattered. He was a nasty, dirty, revolting slime ball.

        "Why do you think you know me so well? You haven't even spoke to me before," he tilted his head in a mocking way.

        "Let's go back to that shall we? I really don't like you and really really don't want to talk to you," I said getting up.

        "Oh really that just makes me want to talk to you," he said.

        "Why did you come over to me? You don't even know my god damn name so why?" I was pissed off now.

        "I was bored," he said casually. I gave him the nastiest glare I could make and walked away. I didn't even need to hear him to know he was laughing. 

        "Whoa what crawled up your butt," my friend Levy asked seeing my angry expression.

        "Natsu,"I spat his name out like it was poison in my mouth.

        "Oh him, I'm not trying to sound rude but, why would he talk to you?" she asked.

        "He was bored and wanted a new toy to play with," I said sitting in my desk. 

        "He is an idiot, but Gray-sama is different," Juvia said. Juvia had a huge crush on Gray Fullbuster, one of the guys Natsu hangs out with, even if they do get in a fight everyday.

        "Natsu doesn't know how to treat a lady right," our girl crazed friend, Loki says smirking.

        "Somebody needs to teach him a lesson," Erza, our scary friend, said with a mad face.

        "Here they come now," Levy said with a disgusted tone. Natsu, Gray, Jellal Fernadez who was a boy with blue hair and a weird tattoo on his face, and Gajeel Redfox a guy with long black hair and piercings. Natsu saw me and winked. I gave him another evil glare and looked away. Then he came and sat right next to me. All my friends gave him a glare but none compared to me. I practically had steam coming out of my ears. Why? Out of everyone, why me?

        "Hey sweetheart, mind if I sit here?" he teased.

        "Actually I do, I prefer not to sit next to dirt bags," I said. I heard Loki let out a laugh.

        "Oh really, the you really shouldn't mind, I'm a human, not a dirt bag,"he said with a straight face then laughed. Through out the whole entire class period I sat there fuming. I refused to look at him, but i could feel his eyes on me. I would not let him get to me. 

        At the end of class I was the first out of the classroom. I walked in the hall with a look that says don't-you-dare-talk-to-or-look-at-me-or-I-will-kill-you. I am not going to take this bull crap, I am going to stay as far away from him as possible. I was sick and tired of Natsu Dragneel, the stupid hot head.

        When I got home I layed on my bed and sighed. I lived by myself and was scared of my landlady. I only get a little money from my parents every month which I usually use for food and personal purposes. Speaking of which, I had to go to my unruly job working as a waitress. I sighed and got up and changed my clothes and hurried out the door. Please do not be late! 

        I got to work just on time and automatically got to work. I hate having to serve greasy junk food to a bunch of random strangers that I have never seen before. I did it though, I just had to stay optimistic, which was hard wearing my ugly purple uniform. 

        As I was serving food to a couple that looked like they were in their early twenties, I saw the mess of pink hair being seating himself. I groaned. Is he stalking me?! I swear that this is harrasment! Why is he trying to ruin my life? I haven't done anything to him!

        I walked to his table. "Hi my name is Lucy, I will be your server for today," I started the same old line I say at every table.

        "Oh Lucy! It's nice seeing you here! How funny, us running into each other like this!" he knew this was bugging me and he liked it.

        "Here is our menu and if you need anything, just ask," I ignored his remark. 

        "Oh thank you! And there is one thing I need to ask, why do you hate me so much?" he asked slyly.

        "Because you are a nasty, stupid, meat head who can not learn how not to be a douche bag, Natsu, you think because everyone thinks you are attractive you can just play with them until you get bored and it's disgusting," I huffed.

        He had a devious smile. "So you think I'm attractive?"

        Oh god no. Not this. "I never said that."

        "Oh yes you did," He said leaning up in his chair staring at me. 

        "Don't start this Natsu, I would never ever be with a guy like you."

        "What if a guy like me wanted to change?" he asked mockingly.

        I scoffed."You couldn't change if your life depended on it."

        "I bet you I could," he said with a playful look. I stared at the boy with the one of a kind smirk and the most unruly pink hair anybody has ever had. Could he change? I doubt it.

        "Then prove it," I told him.

        "I will," he crossed his arms.

        "Okay, can't wait to see it."

        "I have one condition," he said. I looked at him with my eyebrow raised up."You, Lucy Heartfilla, the good girl, must go on a date with me and I can be with you whenever I want."

        "What do I get if I'm right?" I asked.

        "I won't ever go near or speak to you again," he told me. I smiled. I was going to win this. Goodbye Natsu Dragneel.

        "Deal," I said and that is what started it all.

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