Never Again.

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        I don't know how, but after it got quiet and I had stopped crying, I fell into a deep sleep on the bathroom floor. The door remained locked and I remained soaking wet with mascara running down my cheeks, but I still fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept but the blackness was soothing. I wanted to stay in that dark thoughtless realm, but I couldn't. 

        When I awoke, I wasn't in Gajeel's bathroom, I was in a bed. I shot up and started to scramble out of the bed, having a panic attack. Where the hell was I?! Who's room was this?! I felt somebody grab my arm as I reached for the door handle. I spun around to see Natsu standing there with sad, tired eyes. I looked out the window and saw we weren't at Gajeel's anymore. We were in the outskirts of town and it was dark outside.

        "How did you get me?" I questioned quietly, not even getting the full question out.

        "After you went quiet and didn't answer, I freaked out thinking you were hurt or something so I kicked the door down," he told me, using the same quiet tone. "You weren't hurt, so I took you here. Don't worry, I didn't let anybody see them.... I just told them that you got hurt and fell asleep so I was going to take you home.... Oh, you slept for a long time, it's almost 9:30." I looked at him with wide eyes. So he just let me sleep...Why? He probably had so many questions. 

        I looked down to see a big tee shirt on me, going just before were my scars ended. Had I really slept that hard? I couldn't tell that I was being carried or had been dressed by someone? Wow. Then, I saw myself in the mirror. My once wet hair was no tangled and frizzy and black makeup splotches were over my face. And to make it worse, there was a small spot of drool by my mouth that I quickly wiped away, causing Natsu to chuckle half-heartedly.

        "You drool in your sleep. It's cute," he mumbled, trying to lift the awkward silence that filled the air.

        "You don't half to pretend. I know you think they are ugly and that I'm stupid. You haven't said it but I know you are thinking it..." I spat and looked at the ground. God, I was such a hot mess. I felt arms wrapped around my waist from behind me and Natsu rested his head on my shoulder. Tears began to well up in my eyes, on the verge of spilling. No! I cannot cry now.

        "I don't think that Lucy. The only thing I can think about is how much pain you must have been in. But I'm here Lucy, you need to talk to me. I can help make it better," he whispered in my ear, sending a chill down my spine. I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I moved to face him, I saw tears at the brim of his eyes and I clung onto him. Now I am making the one I love sad, I'm such a screw up.

        "I'm sorry Natsu! I'm sorry," I burst out in between sobs. I felt him hug me tighter and rub my back and whispered a smoothing shhh in my ear as I cried. He let me cry, until no more tears could spill and I only let out a couple of sniffles. Then, he motioned for me to follow him. He lay on the bed and had me lay next to him. I quietly followed then faced him.

        "Lucy, I know it's hard, but you need to tell me why. I need to know why my beautiful girl is doing this to herself," he said as one of his hands wiped the smudges off my face and the other traced over my scars gently.

        "I know," I huffed out and looked at him, " It all started when..."

        I started from what had caused me to cut the first time. My father, the kids at school, and then the moment I put the cold blade to my skin. I then went on to explain to him how the teasing got worse. I missed school most of the week so I wouldn't have to face everyone at school. I told him about how cutting had become my addiction and escape from reality. How it took away everything bad from the world and wouldn't let my mind focus on anything but the pain. At times, I thought Natsu would yell at me, like when I told him the last time I did it was only two days ago, but he never did. He only sat there and listened to every single word I told him.

        It took forever to finish my explanation, many times I had to stop because I couldn't get a full sentence out. During those times, Natsu hugged me and cried with me. It was comforting to know I had him to hold on to. But none the less, I got everything out. Every single last detail that only I had know until the moment I told him them. When I finished, he just stared at my with his big eyes. 

        After a long silence I heard him say, "Never again."

        "What?" I asked confused, what did he mean by that? 

        "Promise me you won't hurt yourself ever again," he said determined. I looked down, a new set of tears ready to spill. Could I really stop? I really don't think I was strong enough to...

        "I don't know if I can Natsu," I whispered. I felt his hand lift my chin up to face him and he looked me straight in the eyes, my brown eyes meeting his black ones.

        "Don't say that Lucy, I know you can. You aren't near those people anymore. You are with people who care for you. Screw your old school and your dad, they don't deserve you. You are a billion times better than them. But now you have people who care for you, Levy, Gray, Juvia, Loke, Erza, Mira, me and loads more. We all love you and don't want to ever leave your side, Lucy. Please stop hurting yourself because it hurts me too. And it will hurt all of us if you leave us," Natsu said strongly, holding my face in his hands. Small tears rolled down his face and I wiped them away with my hand. 

        "Okay, I will stop," I slowly agreed. I had to at least try, for the ones who cared for me. I don't want to hurt them.

        Natsu smiled at me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, letting out a small smile as tears rolled down my face. I let out a small sob and Natsu let go of me and looked at my face. I let out an awkward laugh mixed with a sob and shook my head. 

        "I am such a hot mess, look at me," I laughed out as tears continued to roll down my cheeks. Natsu let out a chuckle.

        "Well, this hot head goes well with the hot mess. Don't you agree?" he joked, lightening the sad mood that filled the room.

        "Completely," I agreed and he put his lips on mine. 

        I loved this boy with all of my heart. And it seems that he has given me his heart. I have to be strong or else I will lose grasp of that heart and I don't want that. I want to stay with Natsu and continue to live my new life in Mangnolia. So for that, I won't cut. It will be hard but I can be tough, for him. Never Again. 

Hello crazies! I hoped you liked this chapter! What do you think? Is Lucy going to keep her promise or will she hurt herself again? Also, I do not promote slef harm, this is all for fictional writing. If you are self harming, please get help. Make sure to vote, comment, follow me and share with your friends! Love ya!-AdyLuv

A Stupid Hot Head-Natsu Dragneel fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now