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Once filled with bloodthirsty yakuza members, now it was just Emily and Reuka in the ancient chapel. They stood there, in a stare off, glaring at each other challengingly. Reuka's hand gripped Emily's wrist tightly, the other hand dropped his wooden noh mask to the floor revealing his amethyst eyes. Standing there in his clutches, she couldn't help but wish she told someone, anyone what she had planned to do tonight. But it was too late to regret her choice now. All that was left was to face the threat head on.

"How did you know it was me?" Asked Emily in a hard voice. Her voice echoed in the church, bouncing off the ancient ceilings.

"Just like you have installed that little camera in this church, I too have cameras all over the school. I saw that you found my mask, and that you had met with Maddox. It was only a matter of time before you acted, and sure enough, here you are now before me," revealed Headmaster Reuka with a patient smile.

"What're you going to do to me now that I know your secret?" She asked as she searched his eyes. To think that she once trusted this man, she felt like such a fool.

"Why nothing, my dear. You know how much I treasure you. You are too smart for me to have kept this secret from you forever. I had expected you to find out sooner or later. I just didn't expect it would be during such a critical moment in The No Face Gang's history," replied Reuka with ease. His smile reminded Emily of a viper revealing it's fangs.

Emily wondered if he was speaking the truth. Was he really planning on letting her be after even she found out the truth and betrayed his trust? While his words were soft and gentle, the grip on her wrist was hard.

"If that's the case," said Emily coldly, "then let me go."

Headmaster Reuka let out a peal of laughter. "Emily, how could I do that while knowing you will do everything in your power to stop tonight's mission? I know how much you care for Brent and I cannot let you sabotage tonight's mission because of your personal feelings." His eyes turned steely, "no, you will wait with me in my office until the mission is completed."

Emily furrowed her brows and immediately went on the offense. She spun herself around to jab him in the stomach with her elbow. He took the blow easily, retaliating with a swift strike in her stomach. She let out a groan in pain, when he spun her around and hit her at the back of her neck, knocking her out.


Emily had been conscious for the past two hours but she sure as hell didn't want Reuka to find out. She made sure to stay still, keeping her eyes closed while still listening carefully to everything that was being said in the room. He would occasionally speak on the phone, and every once in a while, Loren, his secretary and now as Emily learned, his right hand woman, would come in and report.

"Maya Shigeru, Finneas Banks, and Ryan Hirohito have been executed. Ari Matsumoto is captured. The only one still unaccounted for is Brent O'Connelly," said Loren.

"And his supporters?" Asked Reuka.

"They've been rounded up," said Loren, as she placed a Manila folder on his desk.

When Reuka opened it, he saw a list of names that were crossed out, which meant dead or highlighted, unaccounted for. He sighed as he saw that Brent's name didn't have an x across it. It was critical that Brent was caught for The No Face Gang to swallow up The Flaming Dragons. He tapped his finger against his chin, a habit he had whenever he was thinking, before saying, "kill off his member one by one. Tell them that if they spill where he is, they will survive. And send a message to him. Let him know if he doesn't come to us on his own free will, his men will have been butchered."

Emily squeezed her fists in anger. She knew Brent. She knew if he heard his members were getting hurt because of him he would definitely return. She prayed that Brent wouldn't come back and that he got away as far as possible. His life depended on it.

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