Chapter 20

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Barry's POV

"You know, you always find a way to impress me, Mr. Allen," Caitlin said after I took the blindfold off of her eyes.

Everyone else in the school parking lot was looking at us too but I didn't care for their attention, I only wanted to see the surprised look on Caitlin's face when she saw what I'd gotten us. A rental car, a really nice rental car that I could at least drive her around in even if it was only one night. Courtesy of Cisco of course because I don't really have the 'smooth genes' as he does. Unlike Caitlin, I don't have a millionaire mom which means I have to make my own money, helping out at my uncle's job was the right way to go. Infant payment or not, I was able to get this BMW for us using Getaround.

"So formal, Ms. Snow? Please, call me Barry," I joked.

Caitlin's smile fades away over within a few seconds. "But I have detention."

I allowed my head to fall to the side with a sigh. "I know. I just couldn't wait to show you."

"Barry, do you even have your license?"

I jaw dropped playfully. "Yes Cait, it's not like I rented the car in Cisco's name." I looked at her not-so-easily swayed face and fell underneath the trap door that was her gaze. "Okay, I did. But I really do have my license and tonight is going to be great."

"Ronnie never did anything like this for me." She whispered with more sadness in her voice I'd ever heard from her before. And frighteningly, the most genuine I've ever heard her as well. She looked back at me, and I kept my eyes on her too.

It was like, all around, it was quiet, if we were in space right now we would be able to hear literal gravity. Either that or I just tuned everything out besides Caitlin and I's tense breathing.

"I think I need to get to detention before it becomes more than just one... detention." She spoke, barely able to finish her words. I understand because I wouldn't be able to talk right either if I tried.

I reluctantly nodded my head and back up from her. I notice for the first time today that the sky is blue and clear when I look up away from her. "Yeah, wouldn't want you to get into more trouble. I'll be here to pick you up after though."

Caitlin looked confused and reluctant. "No, Barry. You don't have to do that I don't expect you to."

Part of me honestly just doesn't want her to go back to Ronnie. I mean, me? With a girl like Caitlin? No way, not in a million years. Well by some way in God's plans he put me in the 1,000,001st year, so I'll be damned if I'm not putting everything I've got into this relationship, that could come to be.

"Don't be absurd, Caitlin. It's what I should do." I said firmly. But not too firmly because, well, she's a lady.

"Ok well," she said giving up on that. "I'll see you after detention." Then she awkwardly advanced towards me with her arms out, and I, even more awkwardly, put my arms out and then hugged her.

"I'll see you later," I confirmed.

I watch as she walks away and only when she's back in the building do I sigh. Okay, that exchange was a little awkward on my part but only because I've never been in a situation like that, a girl hugging me like that. I mean, one time in 9th grade I kissed a girl I dated for a week, but that's as far as anything goes. But none of that is anything compared to the crush I had on my own cousin in elementary school, Uncle Joe's daughter. Iris goes here too but we don't have any classes together so we only see each other on holidays most years.

People were still looking at me, probably based off of the moment with Caitlin. I'd usually feel embarrassment but I just can't get my mind off of her. I can feel heat rising to my cheeks though, so I get into the car that I barely know how to drive and put the key into the ignition.

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