Chapter 7

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Caitlin's POV

"Are you sure you don't just want me to come over and do the project with you? I was assigned something else, so I really can." Cisco's dedication to me and our friendship gets me every time.

I ended up calling Cisco from boredom. Barry never got back to me after I texted him, and I don't know if he's even gotten in touch with that blonde girl. And now it's Sunday.  I wasn't expecting Cisco to offer his help though.

"There's no reason... I mean I'll just wait for him. Do you think I should call first?"

"Knowing Barry, he's probably shopping online for hats. So yeah, get his attention first."

I took his words into account. "Okay, thanks Cisco. I'll get to him."

"Okay Cait. Call me later, don't blow me off for your friends!"

"Okay Cisco. I'm gonna go now." I laugh before hanging up the phone. He's so cool, I don't know why I was afraid to show our friendship in school. If anything, Cisco would've gotten more respect.


I know I should've gotten in touch with Barry, but I just couldn't. Okay, it's not like I was scared to. I just got distracted...

"Wait, so he broke up with you just because of who you're friends with?" Kendra, my friend, asked.

"Yup. That goddamn douchebag." Sara answered for me.

Like I said, I got a bit distracted. So I decided to go to the mall with a few friends. It was only Kendra, Sara, and I. We were sitting at a table in the food court.

Kendra shook her head in disbelief. "Wow. If that's how he was all the time, and I were you, I would've dumped him a long time ago." She took a sip of her drink with a straw.

I clench my jaw. "Well it's not how he always was." Now I'm confused. "It was just so out of the blue. So out of character."

I look up at my friends. Kendra looked sad for me and Sara couldn't stop rolling her eyes.

"This is why I don't date boys."

Her and Kendra shared a look. I raise my eyebrow at them.

It caught me by surprise, but I just decided to ask about it later.

"So are you going to take a break from dating?" Kendra sat up in her chair as she asked me the sort of insensitive question.

I shake my head. Barry. It may not be real dating but for others it will be. I don't want to jinx anything, but I can already see the look on Ronnie's face when he sees us holding hands. I probably shouldn't jinx that either, because nothing has happened between the two of us.

"No. I've already got my eye on someone." Maybe I shouldn't have said this around the world's most gossipy person. I'll regret that later.

"Wait, you're not even trying to get him back? You guys broke up two days ago!" Sara said in disbelief. She shook her head. "Ok, whatever. So, who is it?!" She seemed bipolar. Sara was just so serious and now she's being fanatical about the idea of me having a crush on someone else. I regret it now.

I look over to Kendra, probably asking for some help. I don't receive any because she looks almost as interested as Sara does.

"I'm so not telling you. Either of you." I fidget with my fingers. "Not saying anything right now." But I can't help but smile when I can almost hear the painstaking urgency build up in Sara's body. She's so funny when she gets like this.


I know I should call him. I know I should get in touch because now there's nothing in the way. I just can't for some reason. Instead I let my phone fall down on my stomach. My bed was starting to feel a tad bit lonely without anyone in it next to me. Of course Ronnie and I were only able to share a bed occasionally, very occasionally, but I always remembered when we did.

I turn over and face my light, ready to turn it off. I don't turn it off yet though. I'm hoping something will come up on my phone. And it's not good for your eyes to be in the dark while looking at a screen, or so medical books say. But nothing does come up on my phone. No Instagram, Twitter, even Snapchat notifications come up.

Wait. What is happening? Why am I getting no notifs?

Usually I'd care, but I just can't bring myself to. Instead I plug my phone into the outlet I sleep beside, and turn my light off.

A/N: If anyone knows how to make a good plot/storyline outline for a chapter please let me know. I have these surges of ideas that I just type in and call it a chapter. I want to be more professional than that though. 'Says the girl who's writing fanfiction,' I know. But I want it to be Professional fanfiction. So anyways, if you do, it'd be great if you could share it.

Also, I wrote a script! HAZAHH! I wrote a script for a show. Well my show. I don't know if it'll go anywhere, and the script read is only about 13 minutes long. YIKES! But it felt really good to accomplish it. I really liked writing it. I wrote an episode! Like wtf, Jennifer Lawrence, sign this contract! But no, I'm just really excited. It's not the best because I'm only 13 years old, but I tried.

Anyways, thanks for reading. If you read this whole thing, kudos to you!!! New chapter will probably be posted today as well!

OH! And I know this isn't the longest chapter, but I just wanted to get SOMETHING out there! Thanks again!

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