Chapter 24

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Caitlin's POV

My face was scrunched up as I swept another bottle cap into the dustpan. Patty's kitchen floor was still littered with trash and we'd been working on it since twelve a.m. It was now around one in the morning.

Thankfully everyone was gone. Right. Everyone. Including him.

I blinked a few times before refocusing on my sweeping.  And right on time too, or else she would have caught me slacking.

I looked over at the doorway after seeing Patty's long blonde hair pop up. "Hey, how's it going?" she asked.

I could see the small beads of sweat on her forehead, not unlike the ones currently on my own face. Some strands of my ponytail had come out and they were sticking to my face now.

"Best as I can, Spit-vit."

"Hey, that's not funny," she warned.

I shrugged. She managed to not throw up tonight. In front of everyone that is. She probably did it in the bathroom or something when someone wasn't looking.

"Well I'm helping you clean your house before your mom gets back on Sunday. I wouldn't insult the person who prepares your food, if I were you."

"Fine. Point taken," Patty huffed out. She finally left, leaving me to sigh in relief. But then her head popped back in. "If you need anything, just go into the fridge. I'm not sure how much is still there, but hey, try your luck."

I grinned slightly. "Thanks."

"Of course," she said with a little smile. Then she left. Permanently, I think. I hope.

I went back to sweeping. The dustpan was full so I leaned down to grab it and throw it away. That's when I heard Cisco and Patty laughing.

Ugh. It's upsetting how close they've gotten. I almost wish we'd never eaten lunch together that one time.

Then Kendra came from around the corner. She slid the glass door closed behind her and stepped into the kitchen.

"Hey," she exhaled. I took in my friend's appearance. Her hair was messy — from cleaning up or Carter's hands, I wasn't sure — but for the most part it held its place in her messy bun.  Then she was holding a full black trash bag in one of her hands. "How you holding up?"

I hesitated a moment before swallowing hard and going back to my work. "You already asked me that, remember?"

Kendra dropped the bag into pile with the rest of them and slid her hands onto her hips. "Ok. If it makes you feel better, you look like you're feeling a little better."

"I don't care how I look, Kendra!" I snapped. "Only
One thing could make me feel better right now, but I can't do anything about what isn't here at the moment. Especially because it's my fault. Because I screwed it up..."

Kendra was the only person I told about the real reason behind Barry's departure. I was sure Cisco would find out through Barry since they were also best friends.

"Look, I know things seem bad. I mean, if I was in his position I would probably hate your guts—"

"Thanks," I said, interjecting with a scoff.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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