Chapter 16

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Barry's POV

Lunch passed, which means I lost my chance. God, why am I such a screw-up?

There were 2 classes after lunch, gym, one class after gym, then study hall. That was my very short agenda. That's how much time I have to ask her out unless I want a very disappointed friend, and a very disappointed... me. 

So here I am, sitting in the back of history class, my phone out, trying to find some interesting things for tomorrow afternoon. Whatever I can find that might interest Caitlin, and something I may be able to tolerate, I'll go for it.

Hmm... the most cliche thing is also the most interesting. Movie... movie is too obvious. Do I want it to be obvious, or should I play it off like I'm just trying to hang out with my friend?

Whatever. A movie goes for both so that's what I'm doing. 

"Why are you glaring at your phone like it just rolled over your dog or something?" I heard. I looked up to see Kendra looking at me confused. She was in the seat next to me.

I quickly put my phone back into my pocket. At least she knew it was my phone out and not... something else.

"Uh, nothing." Kendra is friends with Caitlin. I wonder If I could get some information from her. "So, Kendra. What kind of movie would you go see with your friends?"

Kendra widened her eyes. I put up a questioning eyebrow. "Uh, comedy. That's what Caitlin likes. Action is what Sa-" she didn't finish the sentence. "So yeah, comedy." 

Lol, shade. I held back a laugh. "Okay, thanks." I gave her a huge smile. I was thankful the teacher was completely deaf to our conversation.

Comedy. What comedy movies were out now? There's Toy Story 4, Shazam!, Fighting With My Family- Oh, that sounds like a really good movie. I do want to see that. Isn't It Romantic... maybe we shouldn't go straight to rom-coms. I'd just have to ask her.

-time skip to end of the day-

Wow, school has no mercy on me. Clearly, because it's already the end of the day, meaning I absolutely have to ask her out now. I'm thinking of backing down. 

"Ow!" I exclaim. I was just shoved by someone. I looked and saw it was Cisco. He did that 'I'm watching you' thing with his eyes and fingers. I rubbed the arm he'd just pushed past.

Then I saw Caitlin. You know how in movies when the nerd guy is about to ask out the popular girl, who's just as smart, but he gets all nervous and begins to back out of it? Actually, that's never the case in any movie. Alright, here goes everything- nothing! Here goes nothing.

I walked up to her. "Hey, Caitlin." That wasn't so hard.

She turned around, probably startled by my presence. I'm already doing fantastic. 

"Oh, Barry. Hey." 

Yeah, this isn't so easy anymore. 

Caitlin's POV

Finally! I've been waiting for this moment for so long. First, he asks me out. Second, I say yes. Third, we go on a date. Fourth, I tweet about it and post on Instagram and Snapchat. Lastly, I make Ronnie jealous. 

That was the original plan... now I feel like it isn't that simple.

There's the factor of me possibly catching real feelings. I could start to feel bad for using him. He could find out and then everyone calls me Desperate-ado Caitlin-ado. OKay, maybe not that last part.

I realize now that I haven't answered him. 

"Oh, Barry. Hey." I smiled.

"So I know we have the science project and everything, but I thought we'd be able to take a break, you know with how hard we've been working on it." If I wasn't already in on it, I'd call that a terrible excuse because we actually have barely worked on that thing.

"And there are a few movies out, and I think that's exactly what we need to give our brains a break." Wow. He didn't struggle with that nearly as much as I thought he would. Like, he didn't even really seem nervous at all. Was breaking up with Ronnie making me seem easy? Was I seen as easy to get, like anyone could just walk up to me and ask me out?

By reflex, I looked over to where a boy named Steve Karofsky was. He never did anything with his hair, always smelled bad, and never put any effort into what he wore. Would he think that he too could just walk up to me and ask me out? 

Who am I kidding? Of course not.

I'm just reading into this whole 'Barry not being nervous' thing.

"So," he continued, "I just thought if-if we could head there tomorrow. There's a great comedy movie playing tomorrow night."

Nuh-uh. I am not satisfied. I'd have to push this a bit more. He gave me a look as if saying 'say something, please!'. "Just us? Why can't Patty come?" I ask with faux confusion. Then I laugh a bit, lean closer into him, and whisper, "Yes, I'll go on a date with you."

His eyes widened. Yeah, this was fun. "Really?" He asked, clearly bewildered.

"Yes," I smile. "I've been waiting for you to ask me." I nod my head slowly.

"You're lying," he claimed, still in the same state. 

I shake my head. "No, Barry. I like you. I want to be with you." I say with confidence in my voice. This probably isn't true, but it's what needs to be said. 

"So, tomorrow. What time then, Mr. Allen?" I raise my chin to add drama to my words.

"I guess screening is at 6:00. I-This is crazy."

I laugh at the last part. "I suppose you won't be telling me what movie it is?" I ask playfully.

"No, that- that is a surprise. You will know when the time comes." I smile at him. 

"Sure thing," I confirm quietly.

A few people had begun looking at me. I could already feel my popularity decreasing right now. Barry Allen asking me out is one thing, but me tolerating it and even replying with 'yes' is another. There'll be some backlash to this, but it won't mean much when the plan I have set is complete.

I went home that day feeling a bit upset with myself. Not that I'd probably just misplaced my status quo, but because I was using Barry. Maybe Cisco did what I basically told him to do and that made Barry ask me out of sympathy, but if he actually likes me I'm going to be in some pretty hot water. How would I leave him for Ronnie?

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