33. Beam and The Bet

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A week before the Bulidit Annual Dinner Party,

Third POV

He sitting with his leg on top of Arthit's chair, tapping his finger impatiently frowning on something.

His plan failed to blackmail the person, the revenge he swears since the day he met him as he was unable to get a hold of any secret of the said man.

The bet he agreed with his friends nearly come to end and he still couldn't invite the man out.

All the flirting plan he does according to his Flirting 101 book does not put him near to his plan.

He used his own flirting gesture, winking, showing his charming side, adding a 100% success rate of pick up line, rubbing to the man when necessary, giving all the signal that even 5 years old kids would realize it, but the tanned man... clueless than he thought.

Now, he walks and kicks all the innocent things in front of him, including Toota human cardboard that was placed in front of their door as a means of friendly greeting?... Yup. Is not that friendly with all the heavy makeup he used for taking the board. Let's accept it. he did win the bet on their last year's sports day.

"Let me stop by my house to pick up some fresh cloth."

Beam stop when he heard the Forth's voice.

"House?" He said quietly.

The quickest way to win the bet is to....he smiles evilly.

Beam walk slowly hiding from Forth. He only had Forth full name. He left his flirting tactic and is now on his....F++ plan. That's how he names it, though nobody knows how many plans he had before reaching this. He follows Forth to his assumed house but ends up again to Forth's friend.

He pulls his silky black hair frustrated. "Damn you Forth! Why you're perfect!!"

"No, no, noooo! The only perfect guy who exists in this world aside from myself is my twin...if he even exists." He laughs crazily from his own delusional.

Today is the last day of the bet. He has to meet Pha and Kit in the same Starbuck they make the bet last month.

"I'm not running. I need to clean my room today. Mom and the midget might come on surprise." He said to no one while looking around before taking the emergency stair.

"Taking stairs is good for you." He nodded to himself.

"I've finished my work early." He again said sweating.

Just before he turns the knob on the door of the parking level, he froze.

"....pick you up later for late dinner. Beam? Hahaha. I won't hurt him Yo. Don't worry."

He heard the familiar voice talking sweetly on the phone. He's itching to tease the girrafe but this is not the time. Taking a few steps back slowly, he then changes his course and hides at the level above the parking lot.

"H-how the hell he knows!" He's taking his time catching the air.

"I bet this must come from Yo. No way he's smarter than me."

"Let go for emergency esca... I mean going home plan B."

Beam tiptoeing to the canteen hall, hiding behind every object including one-foot tall plant, avoiding every person and pretending he is invisible when he meets eyes of a person before sneaking to the kitchen, ducking every time the chef saw him (which he pretend not to see a big object trying to hide behind a hanging wok, he used to this company weird staff) and using the back door to escape to the parking lot.

He finally manages to sit at the driver's seat on his car laughing triumphally before screaming loudly.


"So..." Kit began. "Finally admit to your loss...Beamie?" Kit grinned happily.

Beam looks down, kicking the table stand. He can't believe he lost to these two.

"Oh, my weekend! I love you Beam!" Kit grinning hugging Beam. He can't wait to spend his weekend without being disturbed.

"Go away, Kitty. I'm not in the mood."

"A-a-a....aachuhhhh" Ming rubbed his nose feeling itchy.

"Yo...I think Kit is flirting right now." He said before sneezing again.

"Ouch! What with that."

"How you even know when you are with me since this evening."

"My gut telling me." He said.

                                        "Tell your gut to choose the food before I'm making you as the main dishes."

Back to the scene.

"Beamieeee, since you're now officially my slave, I want green tea frappe with soymilk. Extra crème on top. 1 pump syrup. caramel drizzle, Decaf. Grande." Kit orders his complicated drink to annoy the said person.

Beam rolled his eyes. Isn't green tea is a noncaffeine drink?

"I want the most expensive drink they can offer here." Pha chipped happily.

"How the hell you in my car Kitty?" He ignores the poll and starts interrogating Kit, not satisfied with how Kit ends up hiding at his passenger seat and choking him with his own collar.

"Magic." Kit happily told him.

"Magic your ass. You stole my spare key. I'm calling the navy." Beam replied not satisfied.

"It's the police idiot and no I'm not stealing. I'm making spare from your spare key. It's not considered as stealing." He said shrugging.

He slams his head on the table.

"I should be proud, but I can't right now" He whispers quietly.

He finally stands up and holds out his hand after accepting his defeat in the coolest way as he thought.

They raised their eyebrow together looking at Beam.


"No, no-no. A slave should pay for it." Pha replied sing-song.

"W-what? That is not in agreement! This is a fraud!" He's mad.

"We don't have one, right Pha?" Kit said winking to Pha before laughing evilly.

His eyes are wide open from the shock.

"Fine." He sighed heavily blaming himself for being an awesome teacher to Kit.

To be continued.


Side note, P'Tae is sooo handsome!! I'm hooking to the Paint with Love series too much. I've read the book before, I hope they include Mes sitting on the lap of Phab. I can imagine the cuteness. As for KristSingto or TaeTee fans, I hope you give chance to watch their other works. Or at least don't comment bad things on their respective pair. It's sad to read those. Think about lending your bias to others for only 12 episode series.


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