16.0 A Bet

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Kit, Beam and Phana on chilling mode, sitting at the round table with a comfy sofa at Starbuck Cafe near their office. They finished their work late, and instead of going home, facing the miserable Bangkok traffic jam on Friday night, they opted to hang together.

Three of them have been laughing crazily at their own joke, disturbing other customers inside the café.

More likely attracting others attention for their handsome features.

Girls keep giving hints to those men, but they ignore it just for today for no specific reason, especially Beam, as he feels wasted from the ongoing work. Phana is taken, and his mind only on the cute chubby Project Manager's assistant, and Kit is...


"How come you're still here? We never see you on Friday night since the Wayo moves back to Thailand." Beam asked, sipping his coffee latte casually, eyes locked at Phana.

"Wayo's father asks the two best friends to spend their weekend at his house." He sighed.

"No wonder..." Kit piped in, looking at his phone.

"No wonder what?" Phana asked.

"Nothing..." He realized he blurts his thought out loud and tried to cover it up quickly.

"No wonder his husband stop messaging him." Beam said flatly. No teasing tone. Just a direct statement. He's bored. He rests his head on his arm at the round table, looking at no one.

"Husband, your ass!" Kit kick Beam leg below the table.

"Like I don't know, he keeps sending you message for every minute," Beam said, un-amused.

"Not every minute!" Kit blurt out, trying to defend himself.

"Aaaa. Then it is true." Pha caught Kit mistake and chuckle softly.

"Kit, since we are on this topic, why you don't wanna give Mingkwan a chance? He does look serious courting you, though." Phana said calmly, sipping his mocha Frappuccino.

"He even brave enough to announce to everyone." Phana chuckle remembering those incidents. This is the first time he saw someone declared his love through email.

"Never! That creepy stalker...I should knock him harder with that mug before. Then, maybe his brain will start to function!!!" Kit yelled, startling the other customer around them. He realized his mistake, and stake waiing to other muttering unspoken apologize.

"Did you know he followed me secretly to my apartment just so he can spread rumours to the security and cleaning staff there that he is my husband?! He even makes a deal with them to inform him if they saw someone flirting with me. I can't freely walk around the apartment anymore without feeling someone watching me!" He rages with Ming possessiveness.

"Wow! He really men with the word. Poor Kitty, your canine is useless with Ming." Beam pat Kit as condolences.

"And you...why you not in the club today?" Phana asked Beam try to change the focus to stop Kit from hitting Beam.

"Not in the mood. I'm drained. Arthit not around for this week. I've to replace him as the Lead. Now I understand why Arthit always looks like a monster."

"Damn you, P'Kongpob! Why you bring that monster with you for training! It's only training, for God sake!" Beam scowled.

"I bet they went for honeymoon there." Kit whispers quietly.

"Much better than leaving Arthit alone with his wild thought, huh? You think it is better to face his mood swing than those bulk of paperwork?"

Phana question keeps Beam awake. He thinks for a while before he shook his head vigorously. He prefers deals with ongoing work than talking with Arthit about mood swing. His face turns paler, remembering a frightening incident. He shook his head again, trying to forget those.

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