41. The Picture.

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The next day.

Third POV

Kit rubbed his hand. "Why do I feel like goosebumps? Is the air conditioner too cold?" He slides the blind looking outside. "No rain outside."

He grabbed his sweater, wearing it quickly. "I don't like this feeling. It always comes with -"

"Arthitttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alright. He needs to get water first as a defence mechanism after he heard the yelling. This will be a long day. Especially the one screaming is P'Toota.

Toota ran exasperatedly and stopped at the middle floor. "Water...water...." He looks around before his eyes land on the bottle on Rome's table.

Rome trying to stop him. "That's the last mon-"

He gulped the water between asking "What? Let me have this first. Then I start."

He look at the bottle that was nearly empty. He thought it was missing, turn out it was hidden between his plushie.

"I didn't ask for- Never mind" He turned his head back to the monitor. Working for a while now at this company, nothing surprises him anymore. This is normal.

"Stopppppp! Don't go". Beam stopped Kit from going to the pantry that was connected with the client's office.


"Saving your life" Beam was answering and at the same time pulling him aside. He was baffled before his mind on the track, hearing a screaming alongside people was knocked over.

The person screamed while pushing aside anyone on his path. Poor the intern boy who was smack to the wall, face plant, from the force.

"What was that?"

Beam answered with a laugh. "World ending,"

"Run, run for your life, midget. King satan has spawned. We need sandbags right now. Now, now, now! Toota, help me close that portal." Bright came and started pushing the poor secretary who spitting everything. He stop looking around for something that related to sand...in the office.

Hey, there is a walking cactus on the office and ghost, everything else won't be a surprise anymore, right?

Toota responded with file hitting before asking. "Did you also see it? Did you, did you?!" He shakes Bright while asking it...obviously for revenge.

"I recommend that we add sandbags between the border." Bright repeated as he shivered. "The evil king has spawned." He grabbed his phone and dial someone he yell as the boss of the sand company. "Damn, why is he not picking up! I need the sandbag right now!"

Kit saw the helpless intern. He pull to remove the intern from the wall and saw the caller ID on the intern phone. "Is he pretending to be stupid or is freaking stupid?"

The intern looked confound on answering the phone, asking help from Kit. "Don't answer. You will suck into their idiocy supremacy." Kit patted the boy reassured him before walking back to his room. No way he's joining the crazy crowd right now, but Beam was stopping him.

"What do you want?"

He smirks, holding Kit's arm. "Some entertainment. Stay. You will be needed later"

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