You're hair looks like a dead ferret

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As the first years proceeded into the great hall and gathered the the front, Proffesser Albus Dumbledore stood at the front.

Hermione leaned over whisper a comment to Draco, but saw he was already smirking with carbbe and goyle standing behind him like croonies. She frowned and turned away.

She thought about when the two of them, when they had first met. She smiled fondly at the memory. 

"Daddy, I don't want to. "

"Hermione, I am friends with his parents and you should meet him, you'll be going to a muggle primary school with him next september so you should become friends now." Severus told her.

He lead her to the fireplace and together they flooed to Malfoy Manor. They stepped out of the fireplace and saw a blonde boy moaning at his mum, that he didn't want to meet this new girl, she was probably annoying.

"Hey! I'm not annoying! You're hair looks like a dead ferret"

Draco grinned at her, "OK, we can be friends, I'm Draco Malfoy."

"Hermione Snape"

After that they had played until their parents reluctantly let them sleepover.

Hermione was drawn back to reality when the sorting hat yelled, "GRYFFINDOR" for Dean Thomas.

Professor Mgonagall looked at her paper and said, "Malfoy, Draco"

The sorting hat yelled "SLYTHERIN" before it had touched his head.

She wondered about where she would be placed. Her father had been a Slytherin and the only thing she knew about her mother was that she was a Gryffindor. She rather wanted to be in Slytherin, like her dad. She looked up and saw that evryone in her Carridge had been sorted into Slytherin, no pressure.

"Snape, Hermione." She stepped up to the hat and glanced at her father who was smiling at her.

She placed the hat over her head and it spoke, "Interesting, Interesting, there's brains in here, Ravenclaw would help you, but oh there's cunning, and a worth to prove yourself and considering who your father is it'll have to be, SLYTHERIN!"

She jumped up and went to sit next to Theo, opposite Draco. Her father was smiling at her.

As they walked up to their Dormitories she found herself getting closer to Blaise and Theo whilst Draco was hanging around with Crabbe and Goyle. She still felt uneasy about the two but trusted him to stay safe.

She went into the dorm and saw a few other girls, Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, tracey davis and Millicent Bullstrode.

She'd met Tracey briefly a couple of times and so went to see her.

"Hermione, thank god you're here. These girls are getting on my nerves, Pansy and Daphne are being bitchy and Millicent jumst keeps thretening to put me in a headlock!"

Hermione walked over to the far side of the dorm and opened her suitcase and brought out her wand. she whispered Mufflito. The girls all looked at her in astonishment and annoyence.

"All of you shut it. It's late already and I want to sleep." She undid the charm and went to bed.

In the morning she raced down the stairs to see Draco looking a bit dazed at the bottom of the staircase.

"What happened?"

"I tried to come and see you when the stairs turned into a slide and chucked me to the bottom of it and my bum hurts."Draco moaned.

Hermione started giggling and put out a hand out to help him up as Draco had a bit of a grumble.

"Come on, let's go get some breakfast." Hermione said. Draco smiled and followed her through the portrait hole when they heard a voice.

"Draco! Aren't we going to do the thing?" The pair turned around to see Crabbe and Goyle standing at the top of the stairs.

Draco looked at Hermione apologetically, "I've got to go, another time Mione." He turned around and disappeared up the stairs.

Hermione sighed and turned to catch up with Theo and Blaise.

Later Hermione walked into the common room and saw Draco sitting on a couch. She'd known him long enough to realise that he was in a foul mood.

She walked over and sat next to him leaning her head on his shoulder. They had always done this since they were tiny.

He shifted so he was facing her.

"What's up?" She whispered.

"Potter obviously thinks he's better than the rest of us." He said, clearly annoyed. Hermione motioned for him to continue.

"He's only gone and become the Gryffindor seeker." 

Hermione turned around so her back was to him. "You've got an unnecessary obsession with trying to be better than Potter. You need to give it up." 

She got up and walked over to the window seat and looked at the mermaids swimming under lake. She started doing her charms essay and didn't know she was upset until she felt someone wiping a tear away from her face, she looked up to see Blaise standing there looking down at her.

"He's an idiot. Don't let him upset you. I know it feels like you're losing him, but you're going to have to let him go.  He will come back, I promise."

She hugged him tight and they spent the rest of the evening with Theo giggling in common room.


Hey peoples,

Hope you enjoy this chapter, I've finished my maths homework so I might be able to start another chapter.  We had a very ahem eventful parents evening on Thursday which is why I haven't updated for a bit.

Kitty                                                                                                        920 words

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