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Trigger warning

Jamie Weasley stalked down the corridor after Hermione Snape. She had waited till the girl had been separated from her two bratty cousins.

She sighed and followed the girl down the corridor passing a couple of slytherin boys.

"Hey, Snape!" She called, "Where you off to now? Going running to your daddy?"

Hermione looked at her and said, "What do you want Weasley?"

"You're so attention seeking! Why don't you just keep yourself to yourself, nobody needs to hear you broadcasting your problems for the whole world to hear!"

Hermione looked shocked, but rolled her eyes and turned away. She was suddenly shot in the back by a spell that flung her into a wall.

She turned around and growled, she picked up her wand and fired a spell at her, she dodged it.

"Sectumsempra!" Weasley yelled and the deadly spell hit Hermione squarely in the chest, she fell to the floor.

Jamie twirled her wand in her hand, smirking, and quickly turned around and stalked off.

A few minutes later Theodore and Blaise ran down the hall and saw her bleeding body, Theo ran up the corridor towards Snape's office to get help.

Harry sighed in frustration, Snape had been about to reply when the door flew open to reveal Nott, looking rather panicked.

"Hermione.... Sectumsempra.... Bleeding" He panted. Snape flew out of his chair and out of the door. He rushed down the corridor to see his daughter.

She was bleeding badly, he began to mutter the counter spell, but his emotions were running high and he couldn't concentrate.

He brought her to madame Pomfery to help her.

He didn't leave her side all night...

They were in the great hall when they heard it. Draco, Theo, Blaise, Harry and Ron (who had started talking after they had seen Hermione together).

They were walking in, they all sat at the Slytherin table when Dumbledore said he wanted to make an announcement.

"As many of you are aware, Hermione Snape was gravely injured last night by a very dangerous spell, Sectumsempra. A student within these halls, or teacher has used this spell against her, and it is important we find the culprit, for, as of this morning, Hermione Snape has been pronounced as DEAD."

There was gasps around the hall and a small sob came from the Slytherin table. A chair was pushed and someone ran out of the hall.

"Lessons will be cancelled in respect." Dumbledore said loudly and sat down.

Harry looked around and noticed that Snape wasn't in his usual place. He frowned and saw he and ron were the only ones left at the table. He got up and ran out after the others who had left. He went and sat by the lake next to Malfoy.

"Are you ok," He whispered softly. Malfoy turned to look at him.

"I can't tell you how I'm feeling right now. She was my everything! I grew up with her."

"You were as close as siblings." Harry replied

"We were closer than siblings. I tried to deny it. To stay away from her, so I wouldn't hurt her, but I hurt her anyway. If I hadn't pushed her away I would've been there with her! She wouldn't of got hurt and she wouldn't of died. I swear if I get my hands on the person that did it to her."

Harry looked up and saw tears rolling down Malfoys face. He moved his hand to push the tear away, but something came over him, and he kissed him.

Draco opened his eyes, fireworks were going off in his mind, but something wasn't right. The kiss was soft and sweet, but it wasn't Hermione. He looked dead into Harry's eyes.

He wasn't looking at Harry, he was looking at Hermione, and lily Evans eyes.

He pulled away, this wasn't right, the kiss lasted for a couple of seconds, but it shouldn't have happened at all.
He stood up and ran up to the castle. After only a few hours of Hermione's death, he had already kissed someone.

He sat in her place, in the owlery. He missed her. Tears were flowing freely down his face now. Nobody was coming in or leaving. He thought of Harry and about why he hadn't pulled away sooner and he knew the answer almost immediately.

His eyes reminded him of Hermione, they had the same black hair, only hers was smooth and straight, and his was bouncy and refused to be tamed.

Someone had to tell Harry of his relation to her. But Draco couldn't do it. He was guilty enough already. He held his hands out in front of him disgusted at himself, he let Hermione die. It was his fault.

An owl flew through the window, it had a curious muggle instrument attached. A key, Draco had seen them before. He picked it up, it was sharp, without thinking he pressed it onto his skin. But quickly dropped it before it could do any damage as he heard voices nearby.

"It worked," the first voice said.

"She was too close to the truth, Dumbledore may still suspect you now, so you must frame the boy before they discover you," the second voice replied.

"They had been arguing so it seems plausible that they duelled and he got her, he is rather close to Snape, and that's where you got the book from, now hush I must get back to mourning the loss of the brat."

Draco was left in shock, sitting in the owlery.

Hey all,
I am aware that this chapter escalated very quickly, but that's how I wanted the story to play out, I was a bit nervous putting this one up, so let me know what you think,
Kitty           965 words

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