You realise I'm gay, right?

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"He's gone. I did it. Are you happy now?"

"Don't talk to me with that tone, he may be gone, but your job is not finished yet." The man spat at her.

"What? What else could you possibly want from me?" She cried at him.

"I need a musical instrument. And I need you to be able to play it."

"But why?" She asked.

"Don't question me. Just do what I say. Each day you don't find a musical instrument it's ten minutes under the curse."

She sighed in despair. She couldn't play an instrument and she couldn't walk away from it that easily, unless, she could charm it to play, but she didn't know how to do it. Maybe Theo?

She left the room wincing from her latest cruciatus session.

"But I don't think he did it headmaster! He's either covering up for someone else or someone has tricked him into thinking he did it!" Minerva yelled.

"What do you mean you don't think he did it, he's a Malfoy and he's a Slytherin of course he did it."

"Albus Dumbledore, you prejudice bastard." She slapped him around the face and stormed off. 

"So what's this all about then?" Blaise said snapping Theo out of his thoughts.

"Huh, What's what all about?" He responded.

"Well your constantly staring into the distance, and you know what don't even bother telling me. It's a girl isn't it!"

"I don't like Jamie!" He said quickly.

"I didn't say anything about Jamie," Blaise said smirking. Theo realised he had fallen right into his trap.

"Shut up." Theo said smirking.

Blaise turned around to see Jamie walking towards them.

"Well I will just go and do whatever it takes to not watch this very awkward conversation." Blaise got up and wandered in the direction of Daphne Greengrass and Pansy Parkinson.

Theo could hear him saying something along the lines of, "Well hello ladies, what have you been up to lately then? I must say miss Greengrass your hair does look rather beautiful today, would you care to take a stroll with me?"

Theo snorted because he knew what was coming next.

"Blaise, hon, you do realise I'm Gay, right?" Daphne said softly. 

She and Pansy then held hands and Blaise backed away very slowly muttering apologies under his breath.

"Blaise get out of here you idiot," Theo said giggling.

"Hermione would've told me they were Gay before I went over there." Blaise grumbled.

Theo turned to Jamie, "What was it you wanted?"

"Can you play a musical instrument?" 

Theo looked at and said, "No, but I can use a charm. Do you want me to teach you?"

Jamie smiled at him, "Yes, please."

Blaise walked down the corridor mumbling to himself. He decided to go to the hospital wing to see Madame Pomfery. They had started talking about Hermione a lot, since she was Snape's daughter, Poppy had watched her grow up, so they talked often.

"Hey, Poppy." Blaise called when he got into the hospital wing. It had been pretty much deserted since Hermione's death, people only went there if they were practically bleeding to death.

"Blaise. Hermione gave me this, before she died. I think it might be important. She handed him a note.

"I haven't read it. She just said to make sure you and Theo got it, if anything happened to her and with her dying I completely forgot!"

He looked at the note.

Dear Blaise and Theo,

If you are reading this something horrible has happened to me. Most likely I have been murdered. I can't say much, if anyone else finds this, it will be disastrous. Just do not trust professor Quirrell, and do not trust Professor Dumbledore. Blaise, I speak directly to you, Draco did not do this, go to place where my father almost died for more answers.



Blaise stood up, he knew where to go. As he stood by the whomphing Willow, he saw a sparkle on one branch, he summoned it. as it flew into his hand, he gasped in shock. he put the object into his pocket. and began to run towards the castle.

"Jamie get here now!" The voice called. The girl arrived quickly. 

"The boy. He knows. Dispose of him."

As Blaise rushed up to the castle he saw Jamie walking towards him.

"Jamie? What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"I'm sorry Blaise."

She lifted her wand.

The man look out his window to see a flash of light and a body fall to the floor. Everything was coming together.

That girl was proving very useful. He might keep her around for other purposes.


Hey all, 

First of all, Emma I am very sorry, I might keep Theo alive if that makes you feel better? And I wanted something else drastic to happen.

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Kitty                                                                                                    779 words

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