I killed Hermione Snape

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A month later

"Well? Why have they not convicted the brat yet?" The man demanded.

"I'm sorry, I can't find the evidence against him, but I promise I'm work-!" Jamie let out a cry as the man hit her round the face.

"That's not good enough! As long as there isn't a culprit, I am at risk! You're scum. If I didn't still need you I'd kill you now." The man brought out his wand.

"Every day you don't have him arrested is another minute of the cruciatus curse. How long have I been asking you to do this? Since before Christmas, so, 35 days, might as well round it up to forty. Mufflito." He pointed his wand at the wall.

He turned back around to the cowering girl. "Crucio." He whispered and she screamed. 

An hour later Jamie was left sobbing and bleeding on the floor. She knew she couldn't go the Madame Pomfery. So she picked up her wand and cast a few healing spells on the smaller cuts that she could manage. Her bright red hair blended into the blood on her forehead. She summoned a bandage and wrapped it round her waist, she hoped the bleeding would stop soon. She looked up and recognised herself in the Room of Requirement.

"Theo, come on it's so cool! I can see her again!" Blaise spoke, excitement rippling through his voice.

"What, Blaise?" Theo laughed. He had been getting better, but sometimes relapsed into grief.

"Blaise pushed the door of the Room of Requirement open, and instead of seeing the mirror like he thought he would, he saw a girl with red hair sobbing on the floor, she was sitting in a pool of her own blood. Theo gasped.

Jamie looked up at the two and pointed her wand at them.

"Don't come any closer," She growled while wincing.

"Jamie? You're hurt, I'll go get Madame Pomfery!" Blaise gabbled.

"NO." she yelled. "I'm fine, look you obviously came in here for a reason, so I'll leave then you can do what you were pla-"

"Sorry Jamie but we're not going to do that. If you don't want to go see Madame Pomfery, at least come here, I know healing spells. Whatever you're going through, I understand." Theo said confidently.

Jamie edged closer to him. Theo pulled her onto his lap. He untied the bandage around her waist. She winced.

"This might hurt a bit," He whispered. She nodded and looked directly at him as he closed up the large cut on her stomach.

Blaise sighed, "I'll just go over here, have fun with whatever you're doing"

He continued to walk around the room mumbling things like," bloody betrayal," and "now I know how pumba felt when Simba ditched him and the other one for some girl. "

"Where else have you been hurt?" Theo asked softly. Jamie removed the hat on her head to reveal a large cut. Theo closed it up. They stood up together. 

"It's the weekend. We've got until Monday morning before we need to go out, it's probably safe for you to stay here for a bit to rest?" 

Jamie nodded.

"Theo! The mirror! It's back!" Blaise exclaimed from the other side of the room.

Theo ran over. 

"She's here Theo! It's her, she's in the mirror. " Blaise said softly.

"Who?" Jamie said from the other side of the room.

"Hermione. " Theo said dazed, he looked in the mirror and saw him Blaise and Hermione sitting in the window seat smiling and laughing.

Jamie's face darkened when she heard this. She stood and looked in the mirror. She saw the man that had terrorised her dreams for the past six months, dead.

"Draco, why weren't you there for me? I was crying out to you for help and you just left me. Now I am dead. Now unless you admit what you have done, you admit that you killed me, the same fate will await you."

"But, I didn't mean to! I just didn't want to hurt you!" Draco gasped, he felt as if he was drowning. The figure just shook her head and disappeared.

He woke in a sweat by the lake, he had fallen asleep in their spot. 

Maybe that was Hermione talking to him. Maybe he should admit to killing her. Magic was weird, maybe he killed her by accident. He was angry that day. It would make sense. 

Oh God. He had killed Hermione. He had killed his best friend. He stood up. it was almost as if his feet were acting all on their own. He didn't resist. He let them take him to professor Mgonagall.

"Professor, it was me. I killed Hermione Snape." 

Her eyes widended.

The next few hours passed as a blur. The next thing he knew, he was sitting in a cell. The minister of magic came and told him he was to have a trial on the 3rd of March, but it should be easy since he had already confessed.


Hey guys,

This one was hard to write, but I think it turned out quite well, we're up to 125 views! Don't forget to comment and vote


Kitty xx                   838 words 

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