Bella you're crazy

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As Bellatrix sat in her sister's kitchen she grumbled. She didn't want to be there but she had no where else to go. The boy and her cousin had gone away and she couldn't have gone with them. They would have skinned her alive, well tried to, neither of the two was a very good wizard. She sighed.

"Bella, how long are you going to stay here for? I know you need to serve the Dark Lord when he returns and I don't agree with that and if anything at all gets out of hand I am going to stop you. However you are my sister and I can't let them throw you back in that prison."

"1 week at the most. I have completed the first task set by the dark lord. I am already his most trusted servant. I would go and stay with Narcissa, but she would ask of the boy, Draco, he is turning into a blood traitor." Bellatrix responded.

"Bella, you've become crazy! Draco is only eleven and he has already been in Azkaban. A small boy shouldn't have to witness that. This is what Voldemort has done. He has turned your nephew into a convict. I am pretty sure the boy didn't do it."

"Andromeda! You should join us! You have an amazing mind. The dark lord is willing to forgive the fact that you married that mudblood. Just come to us.  And you can play a part in the new era! You will live through history!"

Andromeda looked up at her sister. "Get out of my house and never come back. I have no wish to associate with you."

"I'll go, but you will come over to us eventually Andy!" Bella sang. She jumped up, grabbed her wand and rushed out of the house.

Andromeda knew she had to find Draco before the ministry did, because he would be given the dementors kiss if she didn't.

"Oi, Black, where are we going!" Draco whined for the 10th time that morning.

"Shut it Malfoy, I'm only bringing you with me because of what you know about Snape!"

"Black, I told you, I don't know anything about professor Snape."

"No, I mean the girl, yes, I know about Lily's secret

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