Chapter 13 : Forgive Me Not

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The sound of glass shattering had startled me , my first instinct being to reach for the nearest object that could pass as a weapon.

So that's how I ended up standing armed and dangerous with the TV remote at exactly 7:30 in the morning , smack dab in the middle of the Lightwood's kitchen.

Turns out , it was Ryan who walked into the corner of the dining room table , which wasn't smoothed out , and he'd dropped his morning glass of milk while trying to aid his balls as he hopped around with both hands trying to subside the pain in his crotch. Stupid little shit.

I released the breath I'd been holding , pushing past him to go back to bed. Yeah , really 'clever' of me. I stepped in glass. So when Mr and Mrs Lightwood came down for their morning cup of coffee , they found the both of us wailing in pain. Ryan , clutching his underdeveloped manhood through his sleeper shorts , and myself holding my foot in the air in only my boxers and a tank top.

"The hell happened here?" Jennifer's dad muttered softly , more to himself than to the either of us. I knew exactly what this looked like. At first glance , it may have seemed that I'd kicked Ryan in his junk - explaining how I'd hurt my foot. But after their eyes settled on the glass that was laying on the floor they slowly seemed to realise what had happened.

"Ryan , honey , stand still. You too , Kimberly." Mrs Lightwood came over with a broom , instructing us to remain where we were while she cleaned up the glass. After the milk and the smaller remaints of the glass had been cleaned up , Jennifer's mom called me over to the kitchen stool to take the piece of glass out my foot.

"Mind explaining how the glass broke?" Mr. Lightwood asked , looking at the both of us.

"Dad! It was so painful! My privates hit the corner of the table and I dropped my glass of milk , then aunty Kimberly stepped in the glass!" He wailed , still in obvious pain.

The both of them looked at each other , first with puzzled looks - then they both erupted into fits of laughter. Needless to say , Ryan and I both looked at them with unimpressed looks plastered on our faces.

It was a moment or two before the tiny shard of glass was taken out. I was utterly disgusted. I'd made such a big deal out of that little piece of shit? No fucking ways. That honestly could not have been the piece of glass that had caused all that blood.

"See , all gone."

No , fucking recheck.

"That wasn't so bad , was it?" She smiled politely , rubbing my thigh.

Bullshit. You don't know what I've been through.

"Just keep pressure on it until the bleeding stops , it's actually rather weird how such little pieces of glass can cause that much blood."

Um , excuse me? That can't be the cunt that fucking buried itself in my foot. Shut up and check again bitch , and stop smiling at me , you freaky tosser!


"Uh , yeah. Thanks Mrs Light-"

"Oh please , call me Vanessa."

Fuck you , I'll call you what I want.

"Thanks , Vanessa."

"Pleasure sweets."

Sweets? The fuck woman.

Okay , so perhaps I wasn't a morning person and perhaps I was being a bit of a bitch , even if it was just mentally. But you can't blame me for it. All she ever did was smile at me , and be unnecessarily polite. Also because she was as happy as the fucking Tellietubbies who just got their pink custard stuff , or whatever it was. And quite honestly , that pissed me off. Who the fuck was that happy before ten in the morning? Not me , I can assure you.

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