Chapter 8 : The Misunderstood

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- 3 weeks later -

It had been three whole weeks since I last spoke to Casey. We had nothing to say to one another anymore , whereas I was still sulking over her secretly and she was still avoiding me. I decided that I no longer cared , that I was stupid to feel that way in the first place. Yes , I still had feelings for her , but I no longer allowed them to devour me.

The soccer team had kept me busy , even on the days we didn't have practice , which was extremely rare , there was still recruitment drives for fundraisers and tours. Which wasn't exactly my scene. But I threw on a fake grin and endured it anyway , I felt it was my responsibility being the first team captain.

I've been seeing an awful lot of Carmen lately , who would faithfully wait at my house while I was at practice and tire me out even more once I got home , even though I was exhausted already. I was rather proud of my progress with her , being the first girl I'd had sex on a regular basis with without getting tired and leaving her. I guess you could say she's my girlfriend now , which was a huge achievement ... for her , of course. I allowed her to be branded as mine simply because the sex was pretty amazing and because she looked like a younger version of Megan Fox , which sparked my fantasies beyond belief while we were in bed.

She's been pretty pissed off at me lately , though. The reason being because I've been so hecticly busy with soccer and gyming twice as much as what I usually do , I've come home and fallen asleep twice already while she was in the middle of trying to pleasure me.

As I stepped out of the gym shower and ran a towel through my hair , I noticed a text from Jane.

Jane : Meet up for late lunch?

Me : Time and place.

Jane : Probably Mugg & Bean , Jillian is going to come with , is that alright?

Me : Yeah , sure. We'll make it a double date.

Jane : Double Date?! Don't tell me you actually have a boyfriend?! :O

Me : Just wait and see.

With that I turned to my bag and pulled on my shirt and jeans , slipping my socks over my feet and pulling on my vans. I scrolled through my contacts and selected Carmen's number , clicking the dial button.


"Hey. Are you at my house?"

"Yeah , I'm waiting for you. Hurry up and get here!"

I sighed and leaned against the wall.

"Change of plans , babe. I'm taking you out for lunch with a friend of mine."

"But Kim! I've been waiting all day and I really wanted to try that new thi-"

"We'll do it afterwards. Just put on something nice and I'll pick you up in 15 minutes."

I heard her sigh on the other end before muttering a soft "okay" and hanging up.

I slung my togbag over my shoulder and walked out of the gym , walking towards the parking lot as I jiggled my keys in my pocket. Lunch with Casey's older sister? This should be interesting.


I glanced over at Carmen who was sitting uncomfortably in the passanger seat. I could tell from reading her body language that she was nervous.

"What's wrong?" I muttered , returning ny attention to the road.

"Nothing... it's just , this is like , our first date. We barely talk besides screaming each other's names while we're having sex."

And I've Never Felt This Way Before (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now