Chapter 2 : Emotions

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I was woken by the creaking of my door early on Tuesday morning.

"Kimberly?" I noticed my moms voice instantly as I reluctantly cracked an eye open to look at her, she was now towering over me in my bed looking down at me with a less-than-pleased look on her face.

"Figured you weren't going to school today as I noticed you and your brother's cars still parked in the driveway. I was even more convinced when I saw your brother passed out on the couch with all the empty beer bottles and the very strange empty Tequila bottle in the kitchen." I rolled my eyes at her 'holier-than-thou' yet 'dumb-as-shit' tone of voice.

"Ah. Hello mother I never see. How go you this fine morning? Must be exciting for you to see your good-for-nothing delinquents again oh glorious missus. Model mother of the year."

It was way too early in the morning for this shit.

I grumbled softly as if almost out of nowhere a throbbing headache surfaced.

She rolled her eyes, ignoring my previous sentiment. "Get up, take a shower, then go clean the lounge. You reek of alcohol."

My eyes hammered open at her sudden remark, my fists clenched. "And what about Ash?! Doesn't he get any fucking kind of punishment?" I immediately regretted my sudden jerk of movement as I slowly rested my head back on the pillow, groaning in obvious pain. She simply shook her head and walked back out of my room , shutting the door behind her.

Yeah, way to fucking go mom.

I forced myself out of bed, almost connecting with the wall as I put out a hand to help me stay on my feet.

Note to self; Tequila is most definitely a no-no. Stop. Drinking. The shit.

I reluctantly stumbled into the shower after somehow managing to strip and open the bathroom door. As the warm water soothed over my sore muscles and now drenched hair, I felt the headache slowly subside. But that was only temporarily as the second I stepped out of the shower it hit me once again like a ton of bricks.

I was too fatigued to think. Which was something I was overjoyed about , as I was still unwillingly having all these inappropriate thoughts about Casey. The sort that popped up randomly whenever something reminded me of her I'd end up getting goosebumps and a weird sensation that sent me reeling as it travelled down my spine and into the pit of my stomach. I've never had these kind of feelings before.
Being completely honest here, I may hooked up with girls in the past. But it was purely for the fun of it, because sometimes I'd had enough of how rough and sometimes boring guys would be. Having sex with a girl was different on so many levels, not overlooking the obvious ground rules I'd lay first, of course.

No cuddling afterwards, I don't leave her my number, we never talked about it the day after and most definitely no strings attached.

That always proved to be a problem as girls seemed to always become clingy and emotional. With guys, I'd never really had the same problem with. On occasion they'd get the wrong impression and try reach out to me about it, but after short one-word replies and a sharp "fuck off" they'd get the idea and eventually back off.

The only other person who knew about these hookups was Ash, who walked in on me going down on some red-haired girl he'd been eyeing the whole night at a club we'd gone to and I'd ended up stealing her away.

But I was most certainly NOT a lesbian. Well , at least, I thought I wasn't. Whenever I did feel something for a girl I'd just shrug it off and move straight on to the person in line. But for some reason I couldn't do this with Casey. That kiss was meant to be meaningless and empty, just for Casey to impress a couple of stupid jocks. So why the fuck couldn't I accept that?

And I've Never Felt This Way Before (Lesbian Story)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu