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The three girls walked through the dusty and smoky town of ruin until they reached the edge of it. Lonnie dusted herself off and stared up at the two childhood friends.

"Hope you don't die on the way back," Lonnie gestured to Adora. Catra looked offended but shrugged it off.

"Thanks.." Adora shrugged and looked at Catra, who whines quietly and looked to Lonnie next.

"We, were wondering, um..if you wanted to become part of the alliance?" Catra smiled awkwardly.

"Only if we get resources," Lonnie responded flatly. "This place needs some, clearly." She raised an eyebrow to Adora. The blonde stuck her tongue out and looked away.


Catra and Lonnie shook hands, but the brunette didn't let go. She started to turn their hands down, but Catra grunted and pushed against it. It slowly turned into an arm wrestle and Adora groaned loudly and began to walk away.

"If my stab wounds get infected and I die I'm blaming it on both of you."

Catra chuckled and let go, patting Lonnie's shoulder as she walked after her blonde comrade. "Wait, Catra," Lonnie stopped her.


"Don't fuck up so bad next time."

"No promises," Catra lightly joked. She flew up a piece sign and ran after Adora, who was not slowing down for shit.




"I'm bored."

Adora sighed. "Then find something to do, it's a long walk back."

"Ugh, fine, you suck." Catra pondered for a few seconds before smirking and playfully hitting Adora's arm.

"What??" Adora sneered.

"Can you control gravity?"


"Cause you knocked me off my feet~." Catra winked and waited for Adora's response.

"...No I didn't," she muttered and looked at the feline weirdly, walking faster. "Oh cmon, that was a good one!"

"A good what??" "A good pickup line you boob!" Catra yelled and pouted.

Adora blinked slowly and gasped. "Oh! I get it now! Ok, I got one!"

Catra waited as Adora pondered for what she thought would be a pretty ok pickup line.

"If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable!" Adora exclaimed happily. "Adora, I've never seen a chicken in my life."

"Well then let me try again!! Ok, uh..oh! Do you like water? That means you like 70% of me!"

"Adora I hate water. You really suck at this," Catra teased, only to receive a kick in the shin.

"Ok ok, one more—Do you have a map? I'm lost in your eyes and not sure where to go!"

Catra paused and fake coughed, pulling her fist up to cover her blush. "That one wasn't as bad, good job."

"At least give me some credit!" Adora whined. "I didn't know those were until Bow and Glimmer told me!"

Catradora: Don't Touch Me.Where stories live. Discover now