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Or was it?

Adora woke up that morning and yawned but suddenly felt a strong wave of pain. She hissed and leaned deep into the pillows.


Pillows? Plural?

Adora sat up still in pain and frowned. This isn't my bed.

"Morning princess~."

A sly figure slithered into the room and smirked. "Glad to see you're awake today."


"Ok fine," the feline sighed and sat at the foot of the bed, "I put you here. You're welcome."

"What do you mean today? Did you poison me?" Adora teased and laid back down.

"No, idiot, you were fucking passed out cold."


Catra glared at her with a warm fling of blush displayed on her face. "I..didn't want anyone to wake you up."

Adora sighed and put her arms over her eyes. She breathed in deep through her nose and Catra shuffled uncomfortably.

"So..what now?"

"I don't wanna think about it," Adora confessed. "The Horde's gone, the Rebellion's gone, Prime is gone; there's nothing more to fight."

"Well..ah shit why not?"

Catra scooted over to Adora, topping her and uncovering her eyes.

"Whaaaat?" The blonde groaned.

The two paused. Catra hesitated, but she leaned in and went to Adora's ear, using her arms to support her.

"I wanna rebuild the Horde."

She leaned back out and saw Adora's horrified face. "I knew you'd give me that look.."

"Why would you want to do something like that? After all this..?" Adora shoved Catra away, hissing in pain and leaning over sadly.

"Just let me explain myself, Adora I promise it's not what you think."

Adora was silent.

"I..I want to make a better Horde. No magic, no abuse, no Hordak. Maybe I should change the name now that I think about it.."

"Catra you realize how unbelievably terrible that sounds?? The Horde killed billions, under your command or Hordaks. I don't want to have to fight that again..especially fight you."

Catra furrowed her brow. "I don't want to make another fight, Adora. I want peace just like you do."

The blonde glared at the cat wordlessly. "I know you said you wanted to live in the Woods with me but..we've changed, Adora. Look at us."

Adora sat up and stifled a groan in annoyance. Her back cracked. She looked at Catra, who's ears drooped in sadness. Adora sighed and tried reaching out but the feline stopped her. She grabbed onto Adora's hand and squeezed it as if to satiate herself.

"Don't, I get it. Adora please," she turned her attention to the walls, "I'm not a princess. I don't belong here. I'm..what I did was unforgivable but I think if I rebuild a new place that's safe from all that may..you know, help people."

Adora looked away and bit her lip. "Catra that hurts.."


Catra let go and held onto herself. She turned away from her old friend and sighed, closing her eyes. "Yeah, that is kind of stupid. I get it—"

She tensed when there were arms that surrounded her frame.

"I get what you're trying to say, Catra. It just scared me, that you wanted to start this whole thing over, and..I couldn't do anything about it.."

"Adora shut up," Catra hissed. "You're a great fighter, always have been, always will be. You don't need long hair and a glowy sword to fight."

The feline sighed and hugged back, tail swishing in content.

Adora leaned back out and rolled her shoulder. "I'm so sore, oh my god," she whined. "That's what you get for being She-Ra then."

Adora looked sad. "I'm kidding," Catra saved.

She nuzzled her face into Adora's and the blonde shoved her off. "Quit it, your ears are tickling me!"

"Aww, scared of a tickle?" Catra teased. "Wh—hell no!"

Adora dove in first and moved immediately to Catra's armpits, fingers having seizures just to tickle her. The feline gasped in surprise and started to laugh horrendously, curling into herself for protection. The blonde was suddenly kicked in a stomach. "OW!" She rubbed it. Catra paused. "Crap sorry! It's—instinct! I'm sorry are you ok??"

"Yes I'm fine, you jerk," Adora grinned and flicked the cat in the face. Catra huffed and snuck a couple tickles at Adora's stomach anyway, earning a pained giggle.

"Ok, well, get some rest idiot."

Catra got up and pranced out of the room but was stopped.

"Wait! When..you know..did I hurt you too bad?"

Catra slyly blew it off, waving a hand. "You could barely touch me. I'm a lot stronger than you think, Adora."

Adora scoffed. "I'm quite aware."

Catra walked out and sighed, shutting the door quietly and slid down the frame. "More like I could barely touch you.."

Catradora: Don't Touch Me.Where stories live. Discover now