Chapter 35 - Alexis

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"so now we're in Scotland but we're do you think the items are?" Travis asked

"didn't you listen to what Annabeth read?" i smacked him on the head

"should i have done that?" he asked

"yes, you should!" i hissed

"got it!" yelled Mira

"found out were it is?" i asked immedetly more interested in her than Travis stupidness

"well..." she started this was not looking good "we have 2 places they can be, the first is in Edinburgh the other is in Clasgow. i suggest we try the one nearest first, if it isn't the ones that are there then we go to Clasgow"

"seems like a plan, but how do we get it? so we can try?"

"your father told you clearly that only one could actually get them, and only one could be taken, right?"


"then i suggest we go look, you try take both and we hurry the fuck out of there. if you can only take one we know it's the ones here, if both we know it's the right ones and we can come up with a plan to get them"

"guess we have a plan, now we just need to get to Edinburgh" i said and raised from the grass i had been sitting on

"someones coming!" Travis yelled from a little further away, he was running towards us full speed. i hadn't even noticed him going away "i think they're wizards, they keep sending spells at me"

he was right, just a second later came plenty of other people running in dark robes running after him, the people were most likely deatheaters. as Travis neared us they transported, so suddenly we were surrounded, they had gotten Mira's wand already and me and Travis couldn't do a thing, taking out our swords would be too risky

a white haired man around the same age as Lily's father stepped out of the cirle the had made. "Malfoy" whispered Mira

"hello Alexis" he said completely ignoring the two others "your father has been looking for you"

"tell him to go to hell" i said to Malfoy

"wouldn't say that if i were you" he hissed "and now you come willingly or i will make sure your two companions will die" he gestured with his hand towards Travis and Mira, they were not behind me anylonger, both were now behind him with a wand at their troat and held by a deatheater

i didn't need time to think, i wouldn't let the two of them die, no way in Hades. "i'll come" i sighed, i could see Travis trying to get me to take it back, but it was too late, Malfoy had gripped my arm signed for his deatheaters to release my friends, he was now transporting us back

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