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Jungkook POV

"Where did Jamilah go?" I asked Jimin as I walked out of the bathroom. "She just left." I cursed under my breath. "What? Were you looking for her or something?" Jimin asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, I had to ask her something." I sighed. "Ask her what?" the shorter man walked up to me. "Why does it matter?" I said defensively. "I never said it did. I was just curious." He smiled at me. "Whatever, just come on. I don't want to be late." I grabbed my dorm card and book bag and headed out the door. Jimin was right behind me."

"Jungkookie, I have a question," Jimin said. "What is it?" I responded casually as we walked out of the dorm quarters and were hit by the bright sunlight. "Do you like Jamilah?" He asked me, smiling cheekily. "What- no! It's barely been a week, Jimin! This isn't middle school. Grow up!" I dismissed the idea as fast as I possibly could and kept walking. "If you did like her, I wouldn't tell." I turned back and looked at my friend, scanning his face to see how serious he truly was.

"Jimin, listen to me."I put my hands on his shoulders. "It hasn't even been a week. I can count on one hand how many times I've actually talked to her and still have fingers left over." The man looked at me sadly. "Aww! You two would've been so cute together!" Jimin groaned, not thrilled by anything I just said. "If I did like Jamilah, I wouldn't have told you. Luckily for me, I don't."  I rolled my eyes. 

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