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A/n POV:

The two were still staring at each other- oddly enough. See now, if this was some cliché love story they would've kissed and lived happily ever after but- that takes time. Build up, even. "J-Jeongguk.." Jamilah stumbles on her words, addressing the male by his real name. "Jakira..." He mumbles.

They were like- stuck in a hug. It was comforting, but where do they go about it from here? How does the healing process even start?

It was silent. One of them wanted to say something- but how would they word it? Jungkook decided to take the initiative and ask the question. "Should I like... go to therapy??" Jungkook asked, a tad bit confused.

"Yeah." Jamilah smiled, kissing his cheek.

All of a sudden, there was clapping. The two pull away and see Johnny holding Yoongi back and the others clapping. "What the fuck." Jamilah deadpans them. "That was the whitest thing you two could've ever done but it was cute." Yuta smiles.

The two POCs look at each other, then look at Yuta. "Nigga what?" Jamilah asked and half the room erupted in laughter.

Jungkook looks at the girl and smiles. They could make this work, they usually do.

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