Chapter 19

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POV: Davis

We ride in a dark truck, the streets are crazy with people freaking out about the news. Some even go as far as braking into stores and stealing things. The police are all tied up with the jail and whatever people they can spare, who knows where they are at.

"How's the arm?" the woman in the front asks.

Flexing the robotic hand, the fingers move easily. "Itchy."

"The heart?" the man asks, who drives.

Both the people in the front, are those of the Scientists that have kept me alive. They had to cut off my arm and replace it with a robotic arm, there was to much inner damage for my real arm to be saved. Half my heart has been replaced with what my arm is made out of, there was to much damage from the bullet that went threw my heart and then some how the bullet exploded and that is where the extent of the damaged tissue came from. "Still ticking away."

We pull up in front of the hospital, there is already bodyguards out front and who knows where else. "Do you remember the plan?" the woman scientist asks.

I go to open the door and look back at them. "Protect Ally and the babies, shoot to kill." I say plainly, like it's something I say every day and to tell the truth, some of my memory is still foggy.

"Don't forget, Logan won't take this well of his parents playing around with your life. Ally matter of what happened to her, doesn't bother him, as much as this will." The woman says.

"What do you think Ally will think?" I ask them, almost wishing I could image of her smiling, but I can't grasp that memory just yet.

The man looks back at me and raises an eyebrow like I'm stupid and I get a small memory of her punching me in the face for something. "Let's just say, your lucky she busy with other things or you might be really dead if she gets her hands on you." He tells me, and then jerks his head to the door. "Get a move on it, there only so much time, until guns will start going off and people might be dropping like flies."

I say nothing back to them, all I do is grab my gun and slam the door shut.

POV: Logan

We get rushed to the surgery room. They make me dress in scrubs, as they prep Ally. Once I'm changed into the scrubs, they are damping Ally face with cool water. She breathing heavy, her eyes look like she can't focus on anything. "What did you give her?" I ask the Doctor, as I go to Ally.

"Some medication that can help her relax and getting the babies out easy. But all the same, the sooner we start this, the better for everyone." She tells me.

Going to Ally, I take her hand. She looks up at me and it looks like she can see me threw the pain and dugs. "It's time," she whispers to me.

I look at everyone in the room, prepping for giving birth. "Let's get started." I tell them.

POV: Davis

My blood pumps crazy threw what of my body is flesh, as I race to the elevators. Waiting for one of the doors to open, slowly starts to drive me nuts to the point I really start to think of taking the stairs and just as that thought happens, one of the elevator doors finally opens up. Getting in, I hit the floor that the delivery rooms are.

There music that plays and it only drives me more nuts waiting to get to the floor that I need to and the minutes that drag on, feel like hours or years—depending on your point of view of taking forever on elevators moving up that is.

Finally on the floor I need to be on, I go to the front desk. "What room is Ally Moore in?" I ask the nurse, with my gun hidden in my jacket.

He types on his computer. "She in surgery to give birth. Take a left and sixth door on the right," he tells me.


I hear women grunting, crying and screaming as I walk threw the hall, of women giving birth. I even hear a couple guys cry for one reason or another. The room the male nurse told me about comes into view and as I get closer, I hear Ally scream so high pitched I'm surprised no windows brake.

Without thinking, my speed kicks up to a quick jog and I kick in the swinging door. There a woman Doctor in front of Ally parted legs, nurses are doing something or other, but its Logan who stares right at me, as Ally has her eyes shut tight fighting against whatever pain she is feeling.

The look that Logan gives me, sets my blood cold and I don't have a second thought to leaving the room. When the doors are shut and my back is to it, I hear Logan threw them. "Come on Ally just a little more, they are just about it. Your so brave Little Mouse, this C-Section is a piece of cake." He tells her loud enough I can hear.

~30 mins later~

Everything has quieted down up and down the hall for the last thirty minutes. Ally gave birth, they moved her and the babies to a different room up the hall. I now stand outside the new room. No one has talked to me and I haven't talked to them. Best not to step on a happy moment, even if time is against us right now. Every happy moment counts.

As that thought leaves my head, Logan comes out of the room. He looks like he's keeping himself in check, but I can tell by his eyes, he wants to either punch or kill something and I'm in the target range for either option. "Hey man-"

I'm ready for the punch that comes and hell, I'm even ready for falling flat on my back. But what I'm not ready is for him kicking me between the legs and when I'm doubled over, he raises his knee up and it makes contact with my face. Blood starts to spill from my nose and my boys scream in pain. Groaning, I slide down into a chair, doubled over. "Yeah," I groan out. "I deserve that."

"Your supposed to be dead!" he hisses threw his teeth.

Leaning back, the blood eases up from flowing. "Yeah, well talk to the parents about that. Apparently, they didn't think it was my time yet. Now, can you please get me something to stop the blood from coming out of my nose?"

Logan glares at me, goes back into the room he was in and comes out a few short seconds later with some tissue to stop the bleeding. "I can't believe this! They should told us!"

Glaring at him, I point my finger at the closed door. "Keep your voice down, or she going to find a way to come out here."

Logan glances back at the door and then back at me. "How are you really still alive?"

Holding up my robot arm, I show him there is no flesh. "Science I guess. I even got some of this stuff on my heart to. The bullet ripped up a lot stuff, I got taken to the special hospital your parents fund after I was shot and everything was being dealt with." I tell him.

Logan looks back at the closed door and then back at me. "Do you know how long we have?" he asks in a soft voice and I see something, I've only seen a few other times. His fear of what could come for him and his family.

"No, but we need to be ready." I tell him. He shakes his head in agreement, and as I stand up, his eyes are zeroed in on my arm. "It doesn't hurt, just feels different." I tell him and then I look to the door. "What did she have?"

"Boys, we got two sons." He says softly.

"What are their names?" He opens his mouth to tell me, when the fire alarm starts to go off. "Get back in that room and stay with Ally!" I yell over the alarm.

The alarm is cut off, the power shuts down and then the emergency lights turn on. "Please tell me, you are packing heavy."

I look at him, like he's stupid. "You insult me," pulling out the gun that is hidden I hand it over to him. "You should know by now, I'm always packing." Flexing the hand that isn't my own, I smile wicked at him. "Plus, I want to try this new arm out and see what she can do."

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